|You Drew Stars Around my Scars| Jameson Hawthorne| 🔥

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Request from Simplyhades 

Their comment:

"Jameson x reader y/n: short fluffy dyed hair and green eyes plot: y/n gets taken in by tobias Hawthorne after fleeing abusive father and gets close with Jameson but she's sensitive still and he doesn't understand why. she opens up to him and they end up revealing feelings and getting deeply romantic and passionate etc, just super lovey and all. if you're okay with it, I think a game of strip bowling would be fun... :) but no pressure. just looking for something romantic mostly. thanks in advance and lemme know if u need any clarification or anything. :)"

I just want to say before I start, this has literally been half complete in my drafts for like a year? So I've only just rediscovered it and finished it so I'm so sorry.

Here is some background. The book is set about a year before The inheritance games start so various characters like Emily and Tobias are still alive and Avery isn't relevant yet. Y/N's Mother left when she was 7 which is when her Father started to physically and mentally abuse her. When she was 16 she finally realised she had to leave so she did and barely succeeded. She thankfully never saw her father again and fled to a place she heard did charity work and ended up (somehow) getting taken in by the owner, Tobias Hawthorne. She grew closer with the man's Grandsons and met a girl called Emily who she also became close with. However only three of these five actually know about her passed, leaving two of them unknowing and confused about a lot of things. I wrote Grayson as a slightly looser personality as it is set before Emily dies and i imagine her death to have affected that about him a lot, Jameson is a little different as well for the same reason. This one shot will start 5 months after she moved into the mansion and will be in second person.. even though I hate second person because I find it a little creepy and weird but it will be written better in second person so i just need to deal with it... Enjoy <3





Making out / sexual content.)

Also I would like to inform you all before hand that personally I haven't suffered from abuse so this will probably not accurately depict abuse in its true form however I am going to try to the best of my abilities to do well, if you find this offensive or inaccurate at any point please let me know and I will modify or delete the scene. Also I have done some research online and tried to gather a lot of information on the difficult topic of abuse.)


"Y/N!" Your Father yells from across the trailer you live in. You make your way out of your cramped bedroom and move towards the small kitchen. In the sink, there is an abundance of dishes piled tall and high, "shit" you mutter under your breathe once you realise the mistake you've made. "Yeah 'shit'!" He quotes in a deep and infuriated voice. 

"Dad, I overslept, I'm sorry, I'll do them right now" you assure. You move towards the sink that has the frightening frame of your father over it. "No! I told you to have them done by the time I got home this morning and here they are" he continues yelling, you flinch slightly at the increase in volume. "I'm sorry.. my alarm didn't go off and-" you speak softly, trying not to enrage your Father any further, however this doesn't appear to work when he continues yelling full volume, "Typical, your just like your Mother. Blame everything and everyone else for your own actions because god forbid you do something wrong!" He spits. 

You're at a loss for words as he picks up a plate and spins it in his hand, you almost believe he might clean it for you rather than have you do it. However you are harshly wrong in this assumption, he lifts the red stained plate up high and throws it full force at the wall behind you, you duck to the ground just in time and remain on the floor as the dish ware shatters on the dull yellow painted wall. 

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