|Never Let Me Go| Grayson Hawthorne 🔥🔥

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(This one's quite short so just be warned. Here's a little background: Avery and Max were in a trio with Blake, who lived with her only relative, her Grandma. But she constantly tried to leave home because her Grandmother treated her awfully. When her Grandmother passes away, Blake is informed she'll be placed in foster care, which terrified her from stories she'd heard from her Grandma. So Blake ran away and wound up in Texas where her friend Avery and Max both currently were. She showed up crying and Avery immediately offered her a room to stay in. She's stayed out of everyone's hair, knowing they're a little sceptical of her circumstances)

As a naturally curious mind, I find myself constantly wandering around Hawthorne House at the brink of twilight. Ever since I started visiting my friend Avery here I've felt lost. I don't know what  I'm looking for precisely, however every wall seems to send me into some sort of spiral.

The courtyard at night seems particularly unsettling, the windstorm causing waves to crash around. Branches of trees swing aggressively, clanging against the glass windows and making me flinch every time.

The moon peers down my neck, leaving fearful chills of what could be lying around here unbeknownst to me. With said moon being the only source of light, I find myself having to squint to see.

"Hey what are you doing out so late?" I hear a voice ask forcefully.

I physically flinch and scream at the abrupt frightful noise. I whip around, my curly brown hair flying all over the my face as I attempt to place the sound.

Standing there in the likely freezing water, is Grayson Hawthorne. A particularly disheartened look in his piercing eyes as he stares me down coldly.

"I could ask you the same question?" I find myself snarling. 

I shiver, wearing only my pajamas and admittedly now shameful bunny slippers.

"What does it look like?" He cuts sharply. "Swimming apparently. Though in the current states I don't think that's a wise idea." I fire back.

"Maybe not. We'll see. Now what's your excuse?" He challenges. "Can't sleep." I fold my arms over my stomach with what I can only describe to be insecurity.

"And why's that?" He smirks menacingly, he likes that I'm vulnerable, it gives him the upper hand. Regardless of his smug persona, I confide in him anyway.

"Scared." I admit briefly. His grin drops to his usual undetectable expression. "What's there to be scared of?" He asks, propping his folded arms on the edge of the pool to look up at me.

"The storm." I mutter.

A flash and boom coincide in the near wooded area. I cringe and suck in a large gasp of air.

Grayson nods once, a sort of gesture to himself, telling me to come over. I creep closer to the pool, sliding my slippers off and sitting at the edge, dangling two feet in right beside him.

"Cute pj's." He teases, floating out a little so he's in front of me but just far enough that I can't reach him with my feet — not that I'd try to wriggle my toes out to touch him, just for perspective.

Another much louder roar of thunder and brighter dash of lightning makes me scream and squeeze my eyes closed. "Why are you scared?" He asks me. 

"Why are you not? Loud bangs and jolts of electricity being shot out of the sky at random points in time with no specific path, eliminating anything getting in its way." I ramble.

"It's not random though. It can be measured, and the further apart the thunder is, the farther away the lightning is. So it's miles away. It's just bright so it looks closer." He explains.

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