|Blood Money| Fifth Hawthorne|

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(This one is about Spencer Hawthorne the only Hawthorne sister. Her brothers are protective. I've had this pre written for literal months but never got around to finishing it until I came back to reread all these one shots and decided I wanted to make a whole fanfic loosely based around this one shot like I did with Riches so if you enjoyed this there will be a full length book uploaded shortly. Thank you)

"Spencer. Spencer. Spencer. Spencer. Spencer. Spen-" Xander practically bounces up and down as I walk through the empty corridors of school purposely ignoring him. "What" I snap interrupting him. "You forgot your lunch.. but you'll not be getting it with that attitude." He says walking passed me with a cunning grin. 

"I'll just buy some" I yell ahead to the dark skinned boy running ahead of me down towards the lab. "Well I'll happily have that lunch you packed yourself then" he replies, already out of sight. 

I make my way down the long corridor all the way to literature. Once I've arrived I take my assigned seat at the back of the class, next to my lovely brother Jameson. I hate alphabetically chosen seats, it means every class I have with my brothers I'm stuck sitting next to them. 

"Is there a special occasion? Why are you here?" I ask Jameson who usually isn't present at all during school. 

"Skye told me I had to come in today or she wouldn't let me meet the guest" he says. "Guest?" I ask with a raised eye brow. "Avery Kylie Grambs. The girl who's in the old man's will" he informs. 

"Oh shit. So she finally answered?" I ask, "No, Grayson's on his way to her" he says. "Why does no one tell me anything around here?" I sigh. "Nash is gonna be back as well" he adds.

"Nash is coming home?" I ask excitedly, "Yeah. I don't know how long for though." He tells me. "Well hopefully he doesn't bring that Margaret lady he was fucking the last time he visited. She was like 60." I reminisce. 

"At least your room isn't right next to his. All I could hear all night was him doing that weird kinky 'yeehaw' thing he does when he's about to cum." Jameson tells me. 

"He still does that?" I yell, equally shocked and amused. I potentially raised my voice a little louder than one should when whispering in class. 

"Excuse me, Miss Hawthorne. Care to share with the rest of the class what was so funny?" Mrs Treusch -our Literature teacher- addresses. 

"Not really." I frown, knowing exactly how this plays out most days. 

"Come on Spencer, you know the drill. You too Jameson." She orders in her croaky voice. Her skin sagging with wrinkles.

We both sigh and stand to our feet in perfect sync.

Miss Treusch has a rule. Those who speak in her class must reenact their conversation at the front of the class. Who knows why but the old hag probably gets a kick out of hearing high school kids gossip.

"Our 'family member' is gonna come back for the will reading." Jameson starts deadpan. Careful not to tell anyone it's Nash. "Really? Hopefully he doesn't bring the Margaret lady he was fucking the last time he visited. She was like 60." I reply flatly. 

"At least your room isn't right next to his. All I could hear all night was him doing that weird kinky 'yeehaw' thing he does when he's about to cum." Jameson says, earning quiet giggles from our class mates.

"That is quite enough Hawthornes. I'm sure the class does not need to know about Nash's quirks in the bedroom." Miss Treusch scolds.  

Jameson and I both take a single step to walk back to our desks however at the same time we pause. 

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