|Let's continue the Dynasty pt.2| Javery child|

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Here's part two, only like months late.

I'm officially 17 weeks pregnant. 4 months pregnant. Which means 5 months til I shove a baby out of me. Only three people know. Jameson is set to come next week. The thought numbs my mind about when or how i'll tell him.

Grayson's driving me to my next appointment today, his knuckles turning pale with how hard he grips the wheel. He's anxious, at least he's not the one with a child growing inside him.

"I think people will start to notice soon." I tell him, talking to him relaxes him a little and takes away his thoughts.

"I doubt it. You're barely showing." Grayson points out. I am. My stomach sticks out more and more every day, but baggy clothing is the only thing keeping my secret.

"I want to tell Libby. But she'd tell Nash and it wouldn't be fair for all of Jamie's brothers to know when he doesn't." I comment. 

"But she's your sister." He says, noticing how upset it's making me that I can't tell my sister.

I sigh in response as he pulls up outside the hospital. We both put glasses and caps on so if we're seen going in we aren't recognised.

We make it inside and my code name is soon announced over the intercom. We walk inside my doctor's office and we're greeted with smiles.

"Good afternoon Avery. How are you feeling?" Doctor Forbes asks me as I take a seat on the elevated seat.

"Pretty shit. How are you, Doctor Forbes?" I smile sarcastically.

"Good to hear, i'm doing alright." She laughs with amusement.

"Who's this?" She asks me, gesturing to Grayson. She starts putting some new gloves on. 

"This is Grayson Hawthorne." I introduce. He smiles at her, "Nice to meet you Grayson. Is daddy not back from his travels?" Lexi Forbes asks me. 

"Daddy is not." I mock. 

The doctor wastes no time before she starts doing a checkup. She measures my waist and tells me it's a normal size. She asks for symptoms. 

"I should be able to feel the babies heartbeat by now." She informs me as she presses the stethoscope to my stomach. She frowns and keeps moving it around but having no luck. Something in her face drops a little and I can immediately tell something is wrong.

"What is it?" I immediately ask defensively. She hesitates before answering and I immediately look to Grayson who seems to have noticed somethings wrong too because he looks scared. He rushes to my side and now he asks with more assertiveness, "What's wrong?" He speaks firmly.

"I'm not feeling a heartbeat. But it might just be due to the baby moving around." She explains comfortingly, but I can tell with her face she's worried.

"I'm gonna try a transvaginal scan." Doctor Forbes rushes to roll my sweatpants off, Grayson stares only at my face so not to make me feel uncomfortable.

She rushes to prop my feet onto those propers. My legs are spread and she starts lathering a pole with gel. 

"This'll be a little uncomfortable." She explains, I nod. A chilling fear spreads across my whole body. I never wanted this baby in the first place, so why do i feel so sick.

She shoves the long pole the thickness of a finger in me. As promised it is uncomfortable but I don't care as I stare at the screen in fear of the worst.

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