Chapter 6 No Promises

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     A/N: So I'm currently stuck at home with the covid =( so here's an extra update this week! As always, comment, vote, share and most importantly enjoy!


     Mom and Dad were currently in their office calling Jared to let him know what had happened with Ash an I meeting. I looked up to find Ash's eyes on me as I took a bite of the sandwich Mom had made me. Ash had said he wasn't hungry but I hadn't eaten anything sense the day before yesterday so I was starving. His gaze was penetrating and made me feel slightly uneasy with its intensity. I shifted looking away from his eyes and concentrating on my food, he laid a hand on my leg and my breath hitched causing me to choke on the bread in my mouth. He rubbed my back as I coughed but I waved him off as his touch distracted me so much it was actually doing to opposite of helping.

     I took a sip of water before choking out, "Don't do that when I have food in my mouth!"

     He looked confused for a minute before he smiled. "Does my touch distract you little wolf?"

     I narrowed my eyes before putting a hand on his chest and leaning close to his ear. "Does my touch distract you Alpha?"

     His hand was fisted as he visibly shivered when I pulled back, "Point taken, I'll try to avoid that in the future."

     I smiled as I went back to my food eating quickly before he couldn't help himself anymore making me choke again. As I finished eating he stood behind me wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on my shoulder. I placed my hands over his and leaned my head back against his shoulder closing my eyes.

     "Are you tired?"

     I shrugged, "More like mentally exhausted."

     I was surprised as I was lifted into the air by Ash. I let out a surprised gasp and gripped onto his shoulders looking up at his amused face. I was stunned for a minute because I have to confess he is devastatingly handsome.

     I shook my head, "Where are you taking me Ash?"

     "Your room for sleep. Where is it?"

     I crossed my arms, "I can walk myself."

     He grinned down at me, "But why would you want to when I'm here?"

     I pursed my lips, "You aren't going to let me walk are you?"

     He continued smiling, "Not a chance."

     I nodded, "Got it. First room on the right up the stairs."

     With out another word he walked towards my room. I studied his face as he climbed the stairs. He had a slightly clef in his chin and full lips and a straight nose and a sharp jaw line. His eyes were a brown that was very similar to Dominic's but somehow darker closer to black then brown. 

     "Like what you see little wolf?"

     I looked away as my face heated up, "Sorry, I didn't mean to stare."

     He dropped me down in front of my door and smiled down at me. "Don't be sorry. You can look at me all you want little mate."

      I smiled as I turned from him opening my door and walking into my room with him behind me. I watched him As I sat on my bed and he looked around my room that was still mostly boxed up. He picked up and looked at a picture of Sab and I from when we were kids before putting it back down and turning back to me. He came over and sat his large frame next to me on the bed. He took my hand in his and brought it to his mouth kissing the back of my hand. I let out a sigh of contentment as I leaned myself against him just breathing in his citrus scent. He carefully removed his hand from mine and put his arm around me before laying us down. He pulled my back to his hard chest but I turned around wanting to see his face. 

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