Chapter 31

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          Early the next morning I found myself outside Xander's room. I knocked on Xander's door as I tapped my foot impatiently. I needed to fix this mix-up now. Dom and I were not together and we never would be. He had made that seem like there was so much more to it than there was. I raised my hand to knock again but the door was tugged open as my hand was preparing to knock. My mouth dropped and all words left me as a woman with long strawberry blond hair wearing only a t-shirt that fell to her thighs stood in front of me. I realized she had been speaking and shook my head.

     "I'm sorry, I'm looking for Xander. Who are you?"

     She stuck out her hand, "I'm Izzy. Are you one of Zee's friends?"

     Zee? Who the hell calls him Zee? "Something like that. Is he here?"

     She smiled slyly, "He is, but he can't come right now. He's in the shower."

     "What are you to him?" The words came tumbling out before I could stop them. 

     Her eyes widened at my forwardness. "Well strictly speaking I'm his live donor. I usually travel with him."

     I narrowed my eyes at her dodge, "Just a donor? A donor that shares a room and clothes?"

     She smiled impishly, "A lady doesn't kiss and tell."

     "Izzy, who is it?" 

     The door was jerked wider and Xander looked at me with wide eyes. He had a towel wrapped around his trim waist and there was still water trickling down his bare chest. I was frozen at first until my body moved forward without my permission. I pushed past the girl and slapped Xander across the face before anyone could stop me, before I could stop me. I was shocked but I quickly replaced the look with a sneer.

     "I was coming to apologize and explain things but I don't think I care anymore. Go fuck yourself, Xander." I put as much venom in the words as I could muster. 

     He grabbed my arm and tugged me to him with a furious look on his face as Izzy stood to the side watching our interaction with interest in her bright blue eyes. I paid her no mind as her eyes continued to flick between us. I kept my eyes trained on Xander's bright greens that were beginning to swirl with red.

     "Got something to say to me?" He remained silent and I jerked my arm from his grasp. "I didn't fucking think so. Go home, no one wants you here."

     I turned and he finally spoke, "What do you want from me? I'm this way because of you."

     I turned around stiffly, "I made you need blood, that's it. You didn't have to bring your blood whore with you. I'm not dumb, you're not the first vampire I've been with. Even if you didn't tell me, I can smell the sex. I'm very familiar with your smell Xander."

     His eyes widened, "Did you expect that five years later there wouldn't be someone else?"

     I glared at him, "Of course not. But I also didn't expect you to come chasing me, once again, and bring your lover with you. Is this why you didn't want to have sex with me?"

     His eyes narrowed, "No, that's not it at all."

     I looked down shaking my head, "Whatever. You just proved everything I was afraid of to be true. I can't trust you. I can never trust you."

     "I never said we were monogamous Amari."

     I laughed harshly, "You're right. How stupid of me to assume that. Get a hold of my brother and he will arrange for you to have visits with Cali. As far as us, it's over. Have fun with your blood slut."

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