Chapter 25

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Luke held a tight grip to Michael's hand as the two walked around the town. Michael had no idea where they were going, but Luke seemed to have a location in mind, since he was steering Michael down the street.

The couple finally stopped outside a dinky, old tattoo parlor. Michael looked up at Luke quizzically. "Um, what are we doing here?"

"I'm going to get a tattoo." Luke grinned, bright blue eyes shining. Michael raised an eyebrow, but Luke ignored it, pulling Michael inside.

Michael immediately felt out of place. The walls were lined with tattoo designs, and the only people around were incredibly scary looking and heavily tattooed. Michael clung to Luke like his life depended on it. Luke chuckled, squeezing Michael's hand and turning his head to press a kiss to his temple.

Luke walked up to the counter, to wear a scantily dressed (though you still couldn't see any skin do to the extreme amount of ink on her body) girl was standing. She smiled sweetly, eyes the boy's clasped hands. Michael looked away as she swept her eyes over him with an intense look of judgement. "Can I help you?" she asked, directing her attention to Luke. He smiled back, obviously unfazed.

"Yeah, I'm getting a tattoo on my upper back. I drew out the design." Luke took out a folded piece of paper, handing it to the girl. She unfolded it, glancing it over.

"An 'M'?" Michael gasped as she turned the paper around. Luke nodded, giving a cheeky smile to Michael.

"Please tell me that's not for me," he asked. Luke shrugged.

"Of course it's for you, we're going to be together forever, and I want a permanent reminder of that."

Michael shook his head. "This is crazy."

Luke grinned. "So am I."

Michael waited as Luke got the design done, blushing as Luke winked at him when he took his shirt off. He watched as Luke's face scrunched in pain slightly as the girl started, but soon relaxed as time passed. It didn't take very long (it was a fairly small tattoo), and as soon as it was over, Luke got up, walking over to the full length mirror. He turned to look at the cursive, enscripted "M" on his shoulder blade. Michael stared in awe, coming up behind him. Luke grabbed Michael's waist, kissing him slowly.

"I can't believe you did that." Luke laughed, pressing another kiss to Michael's forehead.

"Just for you babe."

* * *

After going out to lunch at an adorable cafe downtown, Michael and Luke found themselves at a park, running around the playground. It had started raining, so the park was deserted, the two being the only ones there. They laughed and ran around the swings and slides, chasing after each other in the pouring rain. Luke finally caught Michael around the waist, snatching him up and spinning him around. Michael squealed, giggling as Luke finally set him down.

"I love you," Luke whispered, nuzzling his nose against Michael's. Michael smiled, pressing their lips together.

"I love you too."

* * *

Luke went home with Michael, and for once, his mum was there. She cooked them dinner, the three making small talk, and Karen getting to know her son's boyfriend. Before leaving, Luke gave Michael a deep kiss, saying goodbye before leaving the house. Karen walked up behind Michael, resting her hand on his shoulder.

"Michael, let's talk in the kitchen." Michael bit his lip and nodded. Her tone sounded kind, but her words felt like he was about to be punished. Michael followed his mother into the kitchen. She turned to him, leaning against the counter.

"Don't be scared sweetie, I'm not about to say you have to break up with him. It's just as your mother, there are some things I have to talk to you about. Luke is your first boyfriend, and you obviously have deep feelings for him, so there are some things we need to talk about." Michael nodded nervously.

"Are we about to have the sex talk?" Karen laughed.

"Kind of. I know you know what you're doing, but I have to ask, have you done anything with Luke?" Michael blushed, shaking his head.

"We haven't had sex Mum." Karen sighed in relief.

"Good. But I know you're two teenage boys, so if it does happen, that's okay. As long as you use proper protection, and you know he's going to stay with you. I'm not some crazy overprotective parent who is going to force you to wait until marriage. I don't want you to have sex in high school, but it's not the worst thing you could do. As long as you know he loves you and cares about you, and you feel the same way about him, I'm okay with it." Michael nodded.

"Thanks Mum." Michael reached forward to hug Karen, kissing her cheek before saying goodnight and heading upstairs.

For some reason, the idea of like having a date at a playground and just kissing under the slides and running around like little kids makes me really happy

Sorry for being gone the last few days, my computer wasn't working

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