Chapter 13

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“That was amazing Luke.” Michael smiled as they reached his doorstep, Luke grabbing both of his hands and entwining their fingers so they faced each other. Their foreheads were touching, breath hitting each other’s faces in an oddly pleasant way.

“I’m happy you had fun.” Michael grinned again, pulling himself just a bit closer. Luke took the hint, planting his lips softly on Michael’s. He squeezed Michael’s hands before they departed. Luke smirked and kissed Michael’s nose, Michael blushing as Luke pulled away and walked off, turning around half-way to blow one last kiss before getting in his car. Michael brings his fingers to his lips, lightly brushing the tingling skin and smiling to himself.

Michael opened the door, immediately being bombarded with three bodies, belonging to his two best friends, and his mother. “Holy hell, he kissed you!”


“Sorry Mrs. Clifford! Woah, he kissed you!” Michael laughed, stepping back from everybody.

“Yeah, he kissed me.” The three people grinned, Ashton and Calum pushing Michael onto the couch, Karen following.

“Tell us everything, now.” Michael did as told, watching as their eyes lit up as Michael talked about the date, and the kiss in the water.

“Fuck, that’s cute.” Karen slapped Ashton’s arm. “Sorry, sorry. But still, that’s so cute! Why wasn’t our first kiss romantic like that?” Ashton pouted at Calum, who laughed and kissed Ashton softly. Karen rolled her eyes with a fond smile, standing up.

“I’ll leave you boys alone now. Ashton, Calum, don’t do anything to corrupt my son’s innocence.” Michael groaned and the other two boys laughed.

“Don’t worry Mrs. Clifford, we’ll leave that up to Luke!” Everyone laughed, except Michael, who groaned again and threw a pillow at Calum.

The three boys all decided to sleep in the living room. Michael was on the couch, Calum and Ashton sharing a blow-up mattress on the floor. “So, you two are moving quite fast.” Ashton and Calum both smiled, Ashton squeezing the arm he had around Calum’s waist.

“Yeah, we know. But we really like each other, and want to see how it works out moving this fast. Right?” Calum turned his head to look at Ashton, who smiled and pecked his lips.

“Right.” Michael cooed at his friends’ cuteness, smiling at the two. He then suddenly remembers something.

“Hey Cal, can I talk with you in the kitchen?” Calum furrows his eyebrows and looks to Ashton, who nods his head and kisses Calum’s nose.

“Sure.” Calum stands and follows Michael away. When they are safely out of hearing range, Michael begins to speak.

“Have you told him about the kiss?” he whispered. Calum shook his head.

“No, and I’m not planning on it. That kiss meant nothing, and it was before I even met him. It doesn’t matter. I’ve gotten over my feelings for you, it’s behind us.” Michael nods.

“You two fucking kissed?” Both boys heads whipped around, catching sight of a fuming Ashton. Calum immediately rushes over, trying to reach for him, but Ashton stepped back, away from Calum’s hands.

“It wasn’t like that. Michael was upset, and he needed comfort. He was confused, and he kissed me. It didn’t mean anything, I swear baby.” Ashton swallowed thickly, glaring at his boyfriend.

“Did you have feelings for him? Do you have feelings for him?” Calum shook his head frantically, stepping closer.

“I did, but that was before I met you! Ash, I promise, I’m over him now.” Michael watched as Ashton shook his head, blinking away tears.

“How am I supposed to believe you? He’s your best friend! you spend every day with him Calum, and I’m staying with him! I’m sorry, but I need some time alone.” Ashton storms away, heading for the stairs to Michael’s room. Calum is full on crying now, and he quietly walks to the mattress, snuggling up under the blanket. Michael rubs his arm, sighing to himself. Fuck, he’s messed this up big time. He heads back to his couch, having trouble falling asleep with all the thoughts of hurting his friends swarming in his mind.

Ooh, Cashton drama. What do you guys think is going to happen?

So obviously, I'm back! Did ya'll miss me? I finished the outline for Falling For The Help, and I'll be updating it soon.

Make sure to comment what you thought, and vote :) Thank you guys, I love you xx

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