Chapter 5

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Suddenly, everything finally caught up to Michael. His hopes of even just being friends with Luke had been shattered. Luke had bullied him about being gay, and that’s crossing a line. Michael can’t help who he loves, so what if it’s another boy? It shouldn’t matter.

Micheal felt tears in his eyes and he lay in his bed in the early morning. He quickly wiped them away, but more followed. Michael turned to sob into his pillow, just letting it take over. He knew there was no way Luke would ever be with him, after all, Luke isn’t gay, he’s never been with a guy, he’s just naturally flirty, and Michael let himself believe it meant Luke could feel something more than Michael just being his project partner.

Michael flipped to his back, taking deep, calming breaths. He ran his fingers through his hair, sighing loudly.

Just then, Michael’s door opened.

“Michael, you need to get up . . . Michael? Baby, are you alright?” Michael’s mum, Karen, ran over, grabbing Michael’s face and running her thumbs under his eyes. “Mikey, tell me what’s wrong.” Michael took a shuddering breath.

“I-I’m fine Mum, I promise. Just leave it alone.” Karen sighed, then checked her watch.

“I have to go, but this isn’t the end of this discussion. I’ll see you later love.” Karen kissed Michael’s forehead, then slowly left the room, giving one last sad glance to her son before closing the door. Michael groaned, falling back into the sheets.

* * *

“Now get with your partners, and continue working on your project.” Mrs. Anderson smiled, sitting down at her desk and beginning to shuffle through papers. Luke got up and trudged to the seat next to Michael, sitting down and pulling out a paper, but not speaking. Michael watched as Luke sat back, and doodled on the paper. Michael took his notebook, blinking his eyes harshly as Luke continued to ignore him.

Michael started a new song. One that fit his new feelings, even though it was a bit exaggerated, considering him and Luke were never in a relationship in the first place. But Michael wanted to hurt Luke with these lyrics, make him feel sorry for hurting Michael. Michael barely even knew the cheeky, rude, blond boy, but he had such strong feelings for him, he felt like they were married and just got divorced or something. It was eating him up inside, replaying that fight over and over in his head. Luke hurt him so bad, it was crazy. And Michael was going to get him back for that.

Ooh suspense! Anyway, I know the chapters of this story are really short, but that's how this fanfiction is set up. Short chapters, really cliche, but lots of things happening, I promise. And its definitely going to be longer than Psychiatric will be. I hope you like this story so far though, comment what you think and vote please, it makes me really happy and motivates me to write faster ;) Love you guys xx

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