Chapter 28

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Luke had extremely bad luck when it came to finding a job. For weeks, they searched and searched, going to dozens of interviews, with no luck. No one wanted to hire a pierced up, heavily-tattooed teenage boy.

Finally, after at least a month, Michael finally found a job that would hire Luke. He starts work at Hot Topic that Monday.

"How was work?" Michael asked as Luke got home. Luke shrugged, setting his keys on the counter and shrugging off his jacket.

"Not that bad." Michael nodded, standing up to meet his boyfriend. Luke grabbed his waist, pressing a small kiss to his lips.

"Good." Luke nodded, hugging Michael close to his body.

"I'm going to go apartment hunting soon." Michael looked up, his head still on Luke's chest.

"How do you have the money for that already?" Luke looked down, placing a kiss to Michael's head.

"I have an inheritance from my mum, from when she died."

"Oh. I'm sorry Lukey." Michael leaned up to get a small kiss from Luke.

"It's okay. I love you." Luke smiled sadly.

"I love you too."

* * *

It only took a couple weeks to find the perfect apartment. It wasn't very big, but it wasn't too small either. It was perfect for Luke.

He signed the papers right away, and a few days later, he was completely moved in.

"I can't believe I have a place of my own." Luke laughed happily, grabbing Michael's hips and spinning his around. Michael giggled, hitting Luke's arms playfully until he was let down.

"I'm so happy for you." Luke captured Michael's lips in a kiss, then started placing kisses all over his face.

"I love you so much." Michael laughed, kissing Luke's cheek.

"I love you too."

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