Chapter 1

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Michael walked into his music class, taking his usual seat in the back corner. He set his backpack on the floor, sitting back in his chair. His eyes automatically looked to Luke, who was a two seats in front of him. Michael’s eyes traced the many tattoos adorning his body, holding in a sigh as he eyed his toned biceps and perfect hair.


Michael had had a giant crush on Luke for years, but had never been able to talk to him. Luke was the bad boy of Gray High School, he was covered in tattoos and piercings, and was definitely not gay. And Michael was. Michael was a wallflower, no one knew who he was, and he liked it that way. He was sort of okay with just watching Luke in the back of music class, it at least meant that he wouldn’t have to talk to him. That would be bad.


The teacher, Mrs. Anderson, walked into the class then, a wide smile on her face. “Good morning students! Today, we are going to be starting a project! I’m so excited to see your creative minds working on this, it will be amazing.” Michael’s ears perked up and he looked to Mrs. Anderson. “I will be assigning you a partner, and you will together be writing a song that describes your relationship. I will read off the partners now.” She cleared her throat, picking up a clipboard from her desk. Michael tuned her out, until she reached his name, and he nearly choked when she said his partner. “Michael Clifford and Luke Hemmings.” Holy shit, this can’t be happening. Michael tries to avoid Luke at all costs, and now, they have to work together!


“Alright guys, move around now to talk with your partner, get to know each other if you don’t already. Have fun!” Michael’s eyes went wide as Luke turned to him, a smirk on his face as he got up and took the seat next to Michael.


“Hey Michael right? Nice sweater.” Michael blushed and looked down at his loose gray knit sweater, fidgeting in his seat.


“Thanks.” Luke’s smirk grew wider, and he rested his head in his hands.


“Nice legs you got there too.” Michael’s blush grew deeper, and he crossed his legs, avoiding Luke’s piercing blue eyes. “Bet you’re nice and flexible, huh?” Michael groaned inside, trying so hard to ignore Luke’s comments.


“T-thanks.” Luke just kept smirking, staring at Michael.


“So, we have to do this project huh? This’ll suck. Hope you’re smart, because I’m not gonna be much help.” Michael swallowed, playing with his pencil.


“Uh, okay.” The teacher called the class back to order, and Luke went back to his desk. Michael put his head down on his desk, groaning. This is going to be really, really bad. Michael can already tell this was going to be super awkward. Michael is so shy and Luke is so hot. Michael had no idea how he was going to live through this.

* * *

“You were paired up with fucking Luke Hemmings?” Michael sighed, nodding his head and leaning back on the bench he was sitting on. His best friend Calum was sitting next to him, shaking his head in disbelief.


“Yeah. I’m paired up with the guy I have a huge crush on and can’t talk to.” It was now Calum’s turn to groan.


“You still have a crush on that ass? He’s bad news Mikey, you need to get over that.” Michael looked over at Calum, eyes pleading.


“I can’t Calum. He’s so hot, and I’m sure he’s sweet under the front he puts up. He’s so perfect, I just can’t get over him.” Calum sighed, patting Michael’s leg.


“You’ll get over it Michael, it’ll be fine. Hurry it up though, because he’s a giant asshole.” Michael sighed, grabbing his backpack.

“Whatever Cal, I’ve gotta go. See ya tomorrow.” Calum waved, and Michael started the walk home. This was going to be a rough project, Michael could already tell.

Wooh first chapter! I know its super short and a bit boring, but I promise it will get exciting later on :) Anyways, thoughts so far? I know I said it would be another week, but I got done early. Oops? Hope you all liked it, please vote and comment! Love you

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