Chapter 12

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Michael was incredibly bored. Judging by the clock on the wall, he had been sitting on this hospital bed for three hours. He was tired, and sore, and just wanted to go home.

A nurse came in, setting a clipboard in a slot attached to Michael’s bed and smiling at the boy. “Alright Michael, I called your mother, but she seems unable to get out of work. Is there anyone else I can call to pick you up?” Michael sighed. He knew his mum wouldn’t be available. He loves her to death, and she loves him, but her job is intensely demanding. It gets annoying.

Michael thought for a moment, before a certain name came to mind. “Luke. You can call my . . . uh . . . friend. Luke.” The nurse smiled, writing the number Michael gave her down before leaving the small, white room. Michael sighed again, leaning back against his not-too-comfortable pillows.

Ten minutes later, Michael was dressed, leaving the stupid hospital with Luke. They got into Luke’s car, the blond boy looking over to meet Michael’s eyes. “I’m so sorry Mikey, if I had just walked you to lunch or something . . .” Michael rolled his eyes, reaching over to squeeze Luke’s arm.

“It’s fine. I’m fine. I just don’t want to go back.” Luke nodded, turning the car on.

“Where do you want to go then?” Michael groaned and closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the headrest.

“Anywhere. Just drive.” Luke smirked, pulling out of the car lot.

The two boys drove for over thirty minutes, Michael not even caring that they seemed to be out in the middle of nowhere. They were driving along a dirt road, trees being the only visible thing around them. After another ten minutes of driving through forest, they finally came to a stop off the road a bit. “Here we are!” Luke parked the car, unbuckling his  seat belt.

“Where exactly is ‘here’?” Michael asked, following Michael out of the car. Luke smirked, grabbing Michael’s hand (Michael so did not blush at that. At all). Luke started to run at full speed, pulling a confused Michael behind him. He didn’t stop running until they reached a clearing, with a beautiful, sparkling lake in the middle. Michael stared in awe, looking over the gorgeous blue water and the perfect green grass and brightly colored flowers.

“It’s pretty huh?” Michael nodded, still looking around. “C’mere.” Luke pulled Michael towards the lake, letting go of his hand. Michael gulped and watched from behind as Luke took off his shirt, tossing it to the side. Michael was trying really hard not to stare at Luke’s back muscles as he pulled off his pants and kicked off his shoes, before diving into the water. Michael’s eyes were still on Luke as he came up out of the water, flipping his now flat hair back and smiling cheekily. Michael blushed, crossing his arms over his chest. “Well, aren’t you going to join me?” Michael turned even redder, looking away from Luke’s bright and cheeky smile.

“Uh, I’m good here.” Michael made the mistake of looking back, and catching sight of Luke’s pout.

“C’mon, you have to participate in our first date.” Michael sputtered, eyes opening wide.

“D-Date?” Luke smirked, swimming forward to rest his arms on the ground by Michael’s feet.

“Yes date. Now c’mon, don’t be shy babe.” Michael choked again, this time at the pet name. His fingers reached down to fiddle with his shirt, but he hesitated.

“Close your eyes.” Luke pouted again, but did as told, covering his eyes with his hands. Michael took a deep breath, pulling his shirt over his head. Michael didn’t notice Luke peeking as he got down to just his boxers and stepped slowly into the water. Once he was in, two arms suddenly wrapped around his torso, spinning him around in the lake. “Luke!” Michael giggled as Luke turned them around, their noses almost touching. They were both breathing deeply, staring into each other’s eyes.

“Race you to the other side?” Luke suddenly took off, racing to the other side. Michael stood in shock for a second, before he followed after.

Luke won, of course, and when Michael finally reached him, Luke pulled him up, wrapping his arms around his waist. “You look hot with your hair flat like this.” Michael blushed, looking away from Luke’s eyes.

“You look hotter,” he mumbled. Luke chuckled, using a finger to turn Michael’s head and make their eyes meet.

“Michael . . .” he whispered. Michael swallowed hard, his eyes locked with Luke’s.

“Wha-” Michael was interrupted by Luke’s lips crashing onto his.

Ha see? It got better. THEY KISSED YAY OMG!! What do you guys think of how it happened? I think it was really cute. Anyway, comment, vote, all that good stuff. I love you guys so much, I'm going to go work on the outline for the rest of Falling For The Help now

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