F r o m D u d u ng W i t h L o v e

965 83 15
  • Dedicated to Joni Nueno



If only I could write you a letter

I would, a letter from heaven that will make you feel better.

I want to ease that pain

And I want to see your face again.

Look inside your heart, and you will be happy

But don't be sad because I'm not with you today.

Soon enough, in God's time, I'll see you

My Duday, I truly miss you too.

Watching you up here

Watching you crying

Makes me ask, "Why am I not there?"

That's what I'm always thinking.

But live your life with happiness

For now I am with God and in peace.

I am a part of you as you are a part of me

And that's always it's going to be.

In our next lives we're going to see each other

Maybe that time we're going to be together forever.

Smile for me again everyday

And be happy when you remember me.

You're my Duday and I'm your Dudung

We may never be together that long.

But memories with you is the happiest

That lifetime I had is the simply the best

This poem's inpired because of the love story of Iyah Dacer and the late Jason Infante also known as Dudung and Duday.

PS : You can google them ❤

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