M y M a n I s A S u p e r h u m a n

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He doesn't have power and a super strength

nor fly a single length.

Yet for me, he's still a Superhuman

Saved me as long as he can.

He can't predict the future

nor stretch and bend his body figure

he can't be one of Stan Lee's Superhuman

but my own definition is different from that man.

For me, a Superhuman is someone who knows how to sacrifice

without any price, not just once, twice or thrice.

For me, a Superhuman knows how to love and give

and in troubles, trials and problems he wouldn't leave.

A Superhuman, is that what you are?

how much can you sacrifice, love and give so far?

I'm proud to say this, my Man is a Superhuman

and I am his Number One greatest Fan.

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