F i e l d O f S a d n e s s

418 41 12



Words are empty and lost

What happened to us?

What happened to the joy?

Maybe... it's lost too.

I don't want to cry anymore

It's no one's fault, not mine nor yours.

Maybe we're no longer compatible

Maybe time fades the happiness.

Field of Sadness

the new place where I belong.

A field where no crops of love grow.

What happened to our forever?

No more laughters, more tears.

No more sweetness, more fears.

I want to be lost... walk and be lost

on this field of Sadness.

We're both feeling the pain

Is it time to let us go? To let this love go?

I don't know... I really don't.

Is love still there? Is this worth fighting for?

How will I know?

When all this time, I'm still here

Lost... And forever will be lost

on this field of Sadness.

ONCE UPON A TIME [Poems]Where stories live. Discover now