J u d g m e n t a l P e o p l e

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NOTE : This is for all the judgmental people out there. GOD BLESS YOU!



Judgement is all I hear

But what I did is only fair.

So you think you all know

the thing that I really do?

Talk and talk is what you did

But you deny when you're being confronted.

Ask first before you speak

Because you, yourself is not perfect.

Faults, flaws and mistakes

are part of what you also make.

Yet you act so perfect and clean

But deep inside you're evil and mean.

You don't know the real story

But it seem now you're my life-jury?

Look at your life, before you look at mine

Because we never know what will happen in time.

Still, thank you for the pain and tears

I will face tomorrow with no fear.

Your painful words made me strong

I'll prove to you, this time, I am no wrong.

God and papa, I know they're guiding me

Soon, I'll be at the place where I wanted to be.

I'll do all the plans I made

I'll just forget and forgive.

There are so many things to be my inspiration

life will be full of blessings and appreciations.

We'll look at the past with a smile

Yes, our life traveled an upside down mile.

My dreams will come true, you'll see

Go on...judge and just judge me.

I'll fight this life with a strong faith

I believe that, future is what we can create.

ONCE UPON A TIME [Poems]Where stories live. Discover now