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The moment I know that you're here

I feel a little bit scared.

Scared that I wouldn't be enough

I know being a mom will be real tough.

But whenever I imagine your smile

All my worries and fears suddenly fly.

In my arms I want to hold you

Tickle, kiss you and play with you.

For you baby I give you my love

You're the best gift I can ever have.

Time passed by so quickly

And it won't be that long & you'll be beside me.

I know I won't be a perfect mother

But trust me when I say "When you need me, I'll be there."

I'll teach you the best way I can

And I'll do everything to make it fun.

I will love you with all my heart

No one and nothing can keep us apart.

I thank God every single day

for giving a precious gift to me.

Always remember my baby

that you're the love of your mommy & daddy.

We will secure the best for you

Because we truly deeply love you so.


Last May 16, we've learned that I'm pregnant. Now, my baby inside me is now 8 months old. Weeks from now, she will be with us. And I feel so lucky because of the gift that God gave us, she is the most precious gift I've ever receive in my entire life. ♥

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