Switch (Chapter Seventeen)

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You opened your eyes. You had fallen asleep, even though you were practically being crushed by Freddy--your legs were asleep because of him. The animatronics still remained in the spots they were in last, including Bon-Bon, who was nested in your hair.

"How am I gonna do this?" you whispered to yourself, seeing as the rest looked like they were sleeping.

Freddy lifted his head, startling you. He looked up at you and you looked back at him. His ears twitched as he raised an eyebrow plate.

"D-do you nee-eed something?" Freddy whispered.

"Yeah, I need food," you whispered back.

Freddy nodded and crawled back. The feeling of pins and needles flooded your legs. Freddy stood up and looked at you. You were about to get up, but he put his hand up, gesturing for you to stay there. Freddy bent down to your suitcase and opened it up. He blushed as he dug around through it.

"Th-this?" Freddy asked, holding up a Hot Pocket.

"What's that doing in there?" you whispered aloud.

You scooted forward, making sure not to drop Bon-Bon. You picked him up and set him beside you. His ears shook as he blinked a few times, before he looked up at you.

"Where are you going?" Foxy asked as he looked at you from under the covers.

Baby and Ballora looked up too. You were trying to keep from waking everybody up, but thanks to Foxy, your plan was demolished.

"I'm gonna go see if the power works. I doubt it does, though," you said and gently grabbed the packet from Freddy's hand.

You hopped off the bed and your legs immediately gave way. Freddy caught you before you hit the floor and pulled you back up. He tilted his head at you, wondering if you were okay. You nodded and he let you go.

You shook your legs, staggering out of the bedroom and down the hall. You turned into the kitchen and walked to the microwave that was in the corner of the counter. You took the plug and plugged it in.

"Eureka!" you cheered as the clock flashed.

You looked around for a plate and saw a collection of fancy-looking ones in the cabinet across the room. You walked over to it and opened it up. You took a small one and put it on the counter. Opening up the packet, you put the Hot Pocket on your plate and placed it into the microwave.

"Captain Dumbass, to the rescue!" you heard Foxy exclaim from in the bedroom.

"What the hell?" you mumbled, walking out into the hallway.

When you turned into the bedroom, you gasped. Foxy had a pair of your laced underwear over his head. Freddy looked at you and blushed.

"I'm so-sorry, I tried to-to stop hi-i-im!" Freddy objected.

"Get that off!" you demanded, blushing in embarrassment.

"Nobody can stop Captain Dumbass!" Foxy declared and laughed.

You jumped towards him, reaching for your undergarments. He stepped out of the way , and you growled. He made a sound that sounded like he was blowing raspberries at you. You fumed and chased him around the room.

"Ooh, (Y/N), plea-ease don't get hur-urt!" Freddy moaned.

"The only one getting hurt here- IS GOING TO BE FOXY!" you yelled.

"This is entertaining," Baby stated.

"I can't agree with you, then again, I can't disagree," Ballora responded.

Funtime Freddy X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now