Genderbent (Chapter Forty-Eight)

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The pitter-patter of the rain outside was relaxing as you and the rest sat at a table. Foxy leaned back in his chair as his feet were on the table--if he leaned any farther, he'd fall. Ballora and Baby sat next to each other, and Freddy sat next to you, with Bon-Bon on his shoulder.

"How about we go out?" you suggested.

"Um, no. It's raining," Foxy sneered.

"But we can go jump in puddles and dance around," you told him.

"That sounds fun!" Freddy laughed.

"Ugh," Foxy groaned.

"Let's go!" Bon-Bon cheered as he jumped off Freddy's shoulder and scurried to the front doors.

You stood up, and the rest did too, except for Foxy, who rolled his eyes. You walked to the door and opened it. Foxy groaned loudly and ran up beside you and the rest. Bon-Bon hesitated and looked up at you. You smiled, and his ears shook as he jumped outside. You and the rest stepped outside with him.

"Ugh, it's cold, and wet. I want to go back in," Foxy grumbled.

"We just got out here, Foxy. Come on, jump in the puddles with me," you laughed.

You ran up and jumped in a puddle and it splashed water everywhere. Bon-Bon scurried up to you and jumped into the puddle. He panicked when his body sunk, and he quickly crawled out.

"I wanna go back in," Bon-Bon whimpered.

"Oh, come on," you objected.

You picked him up and put him on your shoulder. Baby grabbed Ballora's hand and pulled her to a puddle. She jumped in and laughed as she hopped around. Ballora giggled and Baby kicked some water towards her. Ballora smirked and stomped in the puddle, causing water to splash up to Baby's waist.

"What do we do?" Freddy asked you.

"We have fun!" you told him as you grabbed his hands and you spun around with him.

Bon-Bon gripped on to your shirt as you jumped up and down. Freddy laughed as you pulled him into a puddle. Foxy rolled his eyes as he leaned against the wall. You frowned and threw Bon-Bon at him.

"Hey!" Bon-Bon yelled as he flew into Foxy's face.

Foxy gasped as Bon-Bon splatted against him, soaking his face and hair in water. Bon-Bon fell onto the ground and glared at you. The rain turned into a light drizzle, and Foxy glared at you and started to run after you. You yelped and ran away from him, around your car and towards Ballora and Baby. Foxy pushed between the two as you ran past them and Baby fell back onto the ground. Ballora sighed and helped Baby up. You ran over to Freddy and hid behind him. Foxy stomped up to the two of you, and you held Freddy in front of you.

"Is this your sacrifice?" Foxy snickered.

"What? No!" Freddy objected.

"Hey. It stopped raining," you brought up to distract him.

"Oh, yeah, it did. And I'm soaking wet," Foxy scoffed.

"But you can dry off," you told him.

"I'm changing into something dryer," Foxy scoffed and shifted into his animatronic form.

"Um, I'd be careful if I were you," you warned him.


"Because if it starts raining again, you're screwed."

"Yeah, but then I can just change back," Foxy told you.

"I'm changing too," Bon-Bon said and changed into his animatronic form. "That's much better."

Funtime Freddy X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now