Killing Machine (Chapter Forty)

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You panted heavily. You were pale white and drenched in a cold sweat. Bon-Bon crawled off you and to Freddy, climbing up his arm and lying down on his shoulder. Foxy let go of your shoulders and got off your hands, which throbbed as the blood rushed back into them. Baby and Freddy stood up and stepped away from you. Ballora closed up the first aid kit and carried it back to the "Clothing" room. You closed your eyes, not bothering to move anywhere.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)," Freddy whined quietly.

"Let him rest, Freddy. In the meantime, we need to clean up and get ready for Mr. Afton's arrival," Ballora stated as she entered the big room.

"Okay, Ballora," Freddy mumbled and started with the rest.

The rise and falling of your chest started to slow down. You swallowed the pain that was in your throat--from screaming--and your muscles completely relaxed.

"What do we do with this table?" you heard Foxy ask.

"Just throw it in the dumpster outside. We can also throw away all the animatronic parts in there, too," Ballora replied; their conversation faded as you started to fall into a deep sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~

Your eyes opened abruptly and you squinted at the bright light above you. Your sides still stung, you had a busting headache, and your throat was sore. It seemed that Ballora or someone else had moved the towels out from under you. You slowly sat up and hissed as the gauze pads and wrap rubbed against the stitches that sealed your gash. Your shirt fell down into place and you struggled to keep your eyes open. You looked around and spotted your sunglasses on the floor beside you; you grabbed them and put them over your eyes. The pizzeria looked normal and the animatronics stood on their stages.

"Guys?" you asked weakly as you shakily stood up.

"Someone's here," you heard Freddy whisper anxiously and a chill ran up your spine.

You looked behind you when you suddenly noticed a low rumbling sound. The rumbling stopped and you could see someone get out of the car. You quickly straightened your shirt nervously. You quickly walked over to the archway and leaned against it--trying to act normal--as they opened the doors to the pizzeria.

"Has he not come yet, (Y/N)?" a familiar voice wondered.

"What do you- Oh, Michael?" You grunted as you bounced off the wall, pushing your sunglasses up to set them on top of your head. "What are you doing here?"

"I want to talk with H- I mean, William. I know he'll remember me."

He walked up to you. He noticed the gauze wrapped around your waist and looked down to it.

"What happened?" Michael asked.

"Oh, I just got into an 'accident,' with one of the new animatronics. But I'm fine, so no worries," you replied, assuring him.

"I can give Afton a call. He gave me his number" you suggested as you sat down.

"Sure," Michael said as he stood behind you.

You took your phone and the card out of your pocket. You dialed the number and called him, waiting for him to pick up.

"Hello?" a man's voice answered the phone.

"Hello, is William there?" you replied politely.

"Uh, no . . . Who is this?" the man stammered.

"It's (Y/N)."

". . . Who?"

"Oh, no, I meant- I'm Vernon. Who are you?

"I'm Henry," he replied.

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