Teacher (Chapter Twenty-Six)

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"That was so cool!" Bon-Bon crowed.

"Guys, it's nothing to brag about. He just insulted you guys and I lost my temper," you objected, trying to focus on the road.

"Yeah, but you were so badass. You punched him flat in the face and kicked him in the stomach. Then he stumbled back and looked at you all shocked as your hair lifted. When he started to come towards you, you lifted yourself up and flew towards him. You then grabbed his wrist, glided between his legs and flipped him over. Then--"

"Foxy, you don't have to repeat the whole scene," you griped.

"But he was just getting to the good part. The part where Travis got pissed off and stood up. When he went to punch you, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards you as you side-kicked him in the face. He stumbled back, then he went to ram into you, but you just floated over him. When he turned around and glared at you, you did this cool glitchy laugh. While you had your head back, laughing, he rammed into you and pushed you into the cash register. And then, you elbowed him in the back and he fell to his knees. You grabbed his hair, pulled up his head and pushed it down as you kneed him in the face. Then he fell back and passed out. IT WAS SO COOL!" Bon-Bon bragged.

"Then you sighed and your hair fell back into place, and you said, 'Let's go guys.' You were so cool, and hot . . . I MEAN- You were so cool." Freddy chuckled nervously.

You giggled, blushing, as you pulled into the parking lot of the hotel. After parking, you turned off the car. Everyone piled out and you and Foxy went to the back to get the bags.

~ ~ ~ ~

You walked out of the elevator with all the bags in your hands. Foxy decided to give you his when you told him to push the 3rd floor button. You walked down the hallway with everyone close behind. As you got to room 105, you struggled to reach into your pocket and grab the keycard.

"Freddy," you groaned.

"Yeah?" Freddy wondered.

"Reach into my pocket and grab my keycard," you told him.

"O-okay," Freddy stuttered.

You pulled your arms back as Freddy stepped beside you. Freddy blushed brightly as he stuck his hand into your front pocket. Freddy searched around your pocket and hummed questioningly.

"I think it's in my other pocket," you suggested.

Freddy walked in front of you and reached into your other pocket, blushing madly. Bon-Bon crawled onto Freddy's shoulder.

"Maybe you should check his back pockets. Reach into both of them, just to save time," Bon-Bon snickered.

"O-oh," Freddy mumbled.

Freddy slowly reached behind you and Bon-Bon snickered. Bon-Bon crawled onto Freddy's back and jumped off of him, pushing him into you. The side of Freddy's face fell against your stomach and he put his fingers around your belt loops to catch himself. You looked down at him and he looked back up at you. Freddy breathed heavily as you gave him a soft smile.

"I got it," Bon-Bon snickered as the door clicked.

Freddy stood up and stepped back, but his fingers remained around your belt loops. Freddy gasped as he stumbled back against the wall and pulled you close to him. Foxy grabbed the bags out of your hands and smirked. Him, Baby, and Ballora, walked into the room, leaving you and Freddy in the hallway--chest to chest. Freddy froze, holding your eye contact. You wanted so badly to kiss him right there, but you two were in the middle of a public place.

"Okay," you whispered, grabbing Freddy's wrists and slowly pulling them from your belt loops.

You let go of Freddy's hands as they reached your sides, and they dropped to his. You looked down and twiddled your thumbs. Freddy opened his mouth to apologize, but you quickly kissed him on the cheek and walked into the room. Freddy stood--shocked--as his heart pounded in his head.

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