🩶I'm sorry🩶

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This is not their apology to the events of the last oneshot, if that's what you're thinking! this is completely different!!

Type: fluff? Maybe a bit of angst I'm not sure

Luke awoke in the middle of the night, shooting up from his comfy pillow.

He rubbed his head, sweat dripped down his neck. He felt hot, like he had a fever.

He got up and looked in the mirror before remembering that fight he had last night with his fiancé. That's why Zander wasn't laying beside him.

The brunette sighed, looking at himself in the mirror. He thought about Zander and the fight. He didn't want to stay in bad terms with him, especially because they were getting married in a month. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep without fixing things between him and his fiancé, so he decided to take matters into his own hands.

He grabbed the rusty door handle and walked out of their room, on his way to the living room where Zander was.

As Luke took the last step down the creaky stairs, he tried to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to wake Zander beforehand. Gosh he looked so beautiful when he was sleeping.

The pianist was lightly tucked into the couch, a thin, silky blanket covering him completely. A few cushions behind his head and beside him, making it nice and plush. He looked so cozy.

The drummer made his way over to the couch, looking down at his sleeping beauty.

He gently sat on the edge of the couch; Zander was small, so he didn't take up much room.

Luke gently caressed his cheek, rubbing it with his thumb before Zander shot up, making him jump back a little.

"L-luke?" He said tiredly. His voice rasp and groggy.

Luke sighed, "Zander, just listen." He held the pianist's hands. "You know I was drunk last night, I wasn't thinking straight, j never meant a word of what I said to you. I'm so sorry."

Zander's eyes widened, a small smile appearing on his face, "Luke, I know what happened. I know that you were drunk, I know that you didn't mean anything."

Luke fell into Zander's chest, wrapping his arms around his small torso. "You forgive me?" He muffled, sounding very tired at this point.

The grape nodded, smiling down at his lover, "Of course. I'm sorry to y'know." He admitted.

The brunette sat up, adjusting his position, "Why are you sorry? I was the one being an idiot."

"I did damage too, y'know. Don't take all the credit!" Zander laughed.

Luke smiled, "I love you."

"I love you too."

They both collapsed on eachother, feeling the warmth of one another as they shared a sweet kiss.

"Remember," Luke smiled, "We're getting married in one month!" He beamed.

Zander smiled back, squeezing Luke tightly, "Yeah, it's gonna be amazing. I'll be so glad to finally call you my husband." He pulled away slightly before taking Luke's hand and pulling it to his chest, "But please, no more fights. We've had a lot lately and I don't wanna keep getting mad at you."

Luke nodded, looking down at the silky blanket. "Yeah, I promise not to do anything like that again. I hate it too." He rubbed Zander's cheek with the back of his hand. "Let's get some sleep, C'mon." He picked up Zander bridal style and carried them back to their room to get some rest.

End! This one was short because I'm currently writing another oneshot for this book and I'm getting writer's block again help- it'll be out soon! (It also has a little jailey in it💛💙) so I just posted this just cuz I like to update this book daily if I can! (Is it just me or are my oneshots getting worse? ;-;) bye

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