Business Bay

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Deo's POV:
After a couple months of chatting I could sense Tommy getting more comfortable around me, one day he invited me to "Business Bay" along with someone named Bitzel. The first day there was hectic yet felt like home. But strange enough, my face turns red and I get butterflies every-time I see Tommy's soft smile, it was just something that seemed adorable to me,

Deo's mind:
"no no I've only known him for a couple months why do I get this feeling around him...?"

Tommy's POV:
Recently Wisp left Business Bay for the Arctic Empire, It was just a server that was made for fun yet it still kind of felt betrayed. But no worries Deo and Bitzel agreed to join us.
On the first day, we had fought a god. It was hectic yet fun. I loved having Deo by my side it was an interesting adventure I have to admit and may or may not have had developed feelings but I wouldn't tell him that.

Deo's POV:
I developed a habit of calling Tommy "sunshine". Yet the name was fitting, he was always smiling and joking around, besides when I call him sunshine of course, he seems to turn red and I always laugh a bit when he gets quiet then stutters telling me to shut up.

Business Bay was amusing, we didn't win any wars but managed to beat a god, it was funny to me and we had fun even if we lost.

It made our bond even closer, my goal was then to protect him. But soon he went to the Dream Smp when Earth Smp ended, we still stayed in contact but I soon broke my phone and had to buy a new one, which made me lose contact with Tommy.

"I need to get back in contact, I just don't know how long it'll take but I'll be able to do it soon enough.."

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