Garden Confession

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Tommy's POV:

Saturday finally arrived, i thought it had been centuries since Deo asked me to meet him at ***. I didn't really know how to dress since he didn't really tell me where we were going so i just wore something that would just be comfortable, i wore a white shirt with a collar with the shirt Wilbur bought for me on top, i chose loose pants and a couple accessories to go with my outfit. it was 1:30 so i started walking to the area Deo had told me to meet him, the coordinates were familiar i recognized it as the garden Nihachu built a while back, After i got to the garden it was 1:45 so i still had time to relax. I lay on the grass and start staring at the clouds when i slowly drift to sleep.

Deo's POV:

I came to Nihachu's garden at about 1:50 when i saw Tommy asleep, i decided to just sit next to him and wait until he wakes up. About half an hour later Tommy wakes up and asks me the time, i said it was 2:20 and he apologized for falling asleep. 

Deo: Tommy, let's walk back to our base i have a suprise there. (well not the base since the garden was only a bit away from it)

Tommy: sure, let's go.

Tommy's POV: 

As i was walking with Deo i started analyzing his look, he was wearing comfortable clothes and ofcourse his santa hat and glasses, so i think i made the right choice on wearing comfy clothes, near the base he brought out a blindfold and told me to put it on, skeptical i put the blindfold on and followed his lead.

The duo soon got there within about 3-5 minutes

Tommy: Deo we've been walking for quite an awfully lot of time are we there yet?

then Deo stopped

Deo: well, looks like we just got there

Tommy: does that mean i can finally take off this blindfold?

Deo: sure, ill help you take it off but still close your eyes until i say so

Tommy: alright..?

after he removes the blindfold Deo stood in front on Tommy

Deo: okay, you can open your eyes now

Deo's POV:

As he started opening his eyes he saw me and then looked around, he then started running around like a child, his eyes shimmering then it stopped and looked at me.

Tommy: is this what you wanted to show me?! 

Deo: uhm, so--- do you want to be my platonic boyfriend?!..

Tommy: *giggling* your such an idiot

Deo: so your rejecting me, after i spent months on this (teasing him)

Tommy: I- NO-!? you could've just asked me to be your boyfriend anytime, yet you decided to make a whole ass garden for me

No one's POV:

Deo smiled a bit then pulled Tommy into a hug, Tommy shocked soon calmed down then melted into the hug. They then spent the rest of the afternoon in the garden talking.

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