Confession Plans

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Deo's POV: I woke up at about 2:00, due to hearing Tommy entering the room with a cup of coffee in his left hand and a book in his right,  he then sat down in the chair near his bed. I got up after a while of just staring at him, i didn't think he noticed since i forgot to take my sunglasses off. 

Deo : "hey, Tommy?"

Tommy: "yes Deo?"

Deo: "are we technically dating?" (while chuckling)

Tommy: "DEO!" (flustered)

*in Tommy's mind*: I'm not sure if he was being serious or not since he was chuckling while saying it, yet he seemed kind of nervous at the same time. I'll dismiss it for now, but i do in fact like him, i just can't get myself to tell him anything at all because I don't want to ruin anything between us and make it weird because we're in the same faction.

Tommy got up and walked a couple miles to the garden to read peacefully (and hopefully forget what Deo said)

*in Deo's mind*: I didn't want to actually confess that i like him, but the words already slipped from my mouth so i just played it off. I'm not sure if he likes me back since he left instantly after i said that he could be flustered or disgusted, yet i want to confess soon, probably with Bitzel and Luke.

*still in Deo's mind*: I have an idea of what i want to make the confession look fancy, yet not too extra since Tommy is kind of a simple person. I have started growing a garden and made a small lake inside of the garden with colorful fishes, and planted an assortment of flowers with the help of Bitzel and Luke, Tommy really likes the small garden that Nihachu built about 1 years ago near L'manburg (which luckily didn't get destroyed) so thats what gave me an idea to make this a place to confess.

Tommy's POV:

while i was walking to the garden i found a couple sunflower and decided to pick some after i get back from the garden. A couple hours went by, i left the garden and took the flowers, i then went into the store nearby and bought a vase with light yellow stripes. Then started walking home.

After i got back to the house i placed the vase with flowers on my table near the window for sunlight. 

Deo: "confessing, are ya?" (giggling)

Tommy: "my gosh Deo stop doing that"


Deo: "okay okay, i'll leave"

Tommy: "yeah you better b*tch"

Deo left then returned remembering he had to tell Tommy to meet him at the confession area 

Deo: "oh yeah Tommy can you meet me at *** next week on Saturday, 2 pm since your free then?"

Tommy: "yeah yeah, i'll see you there, Deo"

Deo left the room, leaving Tommy wonder what he was going to tell him on Saturday

Tommy's mind: "damn it.. is it going to be good new or bad news, nothing has been going bad lately so i think it's good news, but whats he going to tell me??, is he going to do what i think he might, no snap out of it. I guess i will just have to find out next week, gosh why did he have to choose next week, i'm very impatient. 

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