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Deo's POV:
When Luke and Bitzel arrived Tommy was sleeping on my chest, so I gently moved him and made my way to the door, upon opening it a saw a bunch of bags with luggage. Turns out Luke wanted to bring his materials along with him since he thought the house could get some renovations after he saw it in the photo I sent him, looking disappointed I still helped Bitzel carry their luggage in while Luke was planning the renovation.

Tommy woke up wondering what Bitzel and Luke were doing, he went upstairs while I followed behind hearing in on the plan to change the look while resting my head of Tommy's shoulder annoying him in the process. I pouted as he ignored me and continued making a blueprint. After a bit they finished the blueprint and Luke started renovating, Tommy dragged me into the living room sat me down and started reading, I just sat there until I felt a head on my knees seeing Tommy laying there with the book on the floor, tired from the torture from Dream in exile. I picked him up and gently carried him into his bedroom, i then soon fell asleep cuddling up with Tommy.

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