Chapter 1: The Meeting

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Alright so... where should I start? Oh yeah, right.

It was a sunny day in September and a little girl just woke up from her sleep. She quickly run downstairs to greet her mom and dad. She is a black haired girl, with dark skin, and black eyes.

(Ah yes, I made this is Gacha Club, please don't mind the design, it just so you can imagine how she looks like)

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(Ah yes, I made this is Gacha Club, please don't mind the design, it just so you can imagine how she looks like)

That girl name is Alexandra Endersen but people mostly call her Alex so you guys can call her that too. She is a very energetic girl and she live with her parents in a small house in a small town (yeah, everything is small).

Alex is always happy, but little did people know, she isn't that happy. she has never taste freedom in her life, her house is full of rules and everyday, her mom always remind her about those rules. Well, let's just say, Alex is trying to be a good kid like what every parent wish their kids are. She has never break any of the rules before, never..... until something happens....


Something that change her life forever....

"Mom! I'm off to school!" the little girl screams as she walk pass the neighborhood (well, perhaps maybe you have neighbors? Do you know them? How are they?)

"Finish your breakfast first!" is her mom's response.

"I don't have time for that, mom! I'm going to be late!"

"Alright then! But it's not my fault if you're hungry during lessons!"

"I'm going, mom!"

"Wait, Alex! Remember what I always said?"

"Yeah, mom, never play in the forest right?"

"That's right! Never ever go in there! No matter how curious you are!"

Alex start her journey to school. Usually, her dad take her there, but today she decide to go alone, just so she know how it feels to be free from her parents once in her life. Alex's parents has never let her go anywhere out of the house, except to go to school, that's all. But why? I mean, she is 10, she is old enough to go on her own, why they should make a lot of rules to keep her out of the open world? Is there anything they hide? Is there anything she shouldn't find out?

Also about the forest, why she shouldn't go in there? It's nothing like there's any animals in there. There times when she go into forests with her classmates (for discoveries, you know? School project) and never spot any wild animal. But among all the forests she is forbidden to enter, there's one, near her house and that forest, is the most forbidden among all.

But why? That one isn't different from any of the other forests, so why is it the most forbidden? Well, Alex isn't the only one who is forbidden to go in there? Everyone also forbidden to enter the forest. Well, it's not without reason. People said that hybrids live in that forest, of course, there some who believe and some who don't and what about Alex? She don't know.

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