Chapter 6: New Problem

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Today is a normal day to Alex, she is doing her everyday duty like waking up, going to school, and visit her hybrid friends. It's just that everything is now better than it used to be, because her mom is now more quieter and she is now more free to do everything she wants and going out every time she wants.

Alex's mom is surprisingly quiet, it's really not like her, but who cares? She finally leaves Alex alone so it's nothing to be concerned about (maybe there are plenty of humans out there who hate their moms as well?). Alex also spend more time visiting her hybrid friends and never forget to bring Sasha with her, she wants to bring George too, but he always said that he was busy.

Today, Alex and Sasha want to visit MR Tom, who is still in the School Health Unit because of yesterday's accident. Corn and Toby already apologize to him, and he said that he was nothing to be concerned about. Yeah, if you already know MR Tom well enough, you won't be that concerned anymore if he gets hurt. It happens almost everyday (even maybe everyday), all the students always accidentally injured him during PE lesson and he never gets mad about it.

Yeah, MR Tom believe that his students never meant to injure him on purpose, so every time they do it, he will forgive them almost instantly. This is something really humble about him (it is?) and Alex is proud of him because of that.

Today, Miss Shelly opens the door. She is very excited to meet both of them. Alex love looking at the teachers, Ave said that they are best friends in their childhood. Miss Shelly and MR Tom both have different personalities, even a lot different personalities. Miss Shelly is more serious and short-tempered, while MR Tom is a more carefree person and is very playful. No wonder the students mostly prefer MR Tom than Miss Shelly (it's not that they hate Miss Shelly anyway, the female teacher can also be cheerful and fun at times).

Whenever there's a student who sleeps in her class, Miss Shelly will hit them with MR Tom's ruler (yeah, Miss Shelly use that ruler more often than MR Tom, still don't know why that thing is still belonged to MR Tom). But Miss Shelly know what the ruler is capable of, so to hit a student she only use 0,0000000001% power of the ruler and it's already painful (I won't play with the mighty ruler if I were you...)

When Alex and Sasha arrives at the School Health Unit, they finally see the poor teacher, all covered in bandages just like a mummy. This give Alex the question, is the hit by a ball really that hard?

Alex walk herself to the School Health Unit, while Sasha is given a piggyback ride by Miss Shelly. For one or two reasons, Miss Shelly like Sasha a lot, it's like she's her favorite. Miss Shelly won't put Sasha down (Sasha is crying for help right now) and yeah, how about MR Tom? He's mostly fine. Oh, if you're asking which teacher loves Alex the most, isn't it obvious by now? Well, if you don't know what I mean, it's MR Tom.... eh no, she's everyone's favorite! Or mostly like that.

Alex look at Paula, who is attending MR Tom's wounds. Paula smile shyly at her, and Alex is a lot more relieved that MR Tom is okay.

"W-who ever knows th-that Sheryl's po-po-poison is g-good for t-this job?"

"Really? So you attend MR Tom's wounds with Sheryl's poison?"

"K-kinda.... i-it's Nero actually..."

Oh well, Alex never know that Nero can do that, Paula told her that he's good at chemistry, and one of his job in the school is helping her making medicine for the sick members. However, what makes Alex a lot more confused is that she never know that Sheryl's poison can be used to make medicines. Alex have heard that most poison can be turned into a medicine, but does poison from a demonic corpse cat puppet count? We never know.

Alex decide to go home now, she is a bit sad because she can't stay longer, though she can finally do anything she want. But something is really wrong with her mother, she changed a lot since the day she interrogates Alex's father. What if she really up to something? Alex need to find out that and stop whatever she's planning.

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