CyberLife Memories

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Hank had spent the past few days getting ready for his trial. He had hired the best lawyers he could find, but he knew CyberLife would have better ones. All he could do is hope for the best.

The initial hearing would start this afternoon. He still didn't have a lot of first hand memories of Connor, but at least he knew what had happened during the month they had known each other. A month. His whole life had been turned upside down, the whole world actually, in a month. It was insane.

Hank pulled out his laptop, checking the several forums that tracked the memories of RK800. The initial website had been taken down, but Connor was smarter than that. He had set up multiple different viewing platforms, and had delivered the memories to several main pro-android journalism groups. The more CyberLife tried to hide the memories, the more public they became. They were posted over and over, often sites being put up and taken down within hours. Forums like the one Hank frequented, tried to stay current with where to find them.

He had started watching the videos after being let out on bail. Perkins had been waiting for him at the precinct, and had immediately arrested him. Hank knew he needed to get as much information on CyberLife as he could. He was clearly at a disadvantage, and he hated that. Watching Connor's memories was all he knew to do.

He found an active website and scrolled down through the videos. Uploading years worth of videos was impossible with the sites going down so frequently, so often the ones posted were only a sample of the larger whole. this site had a larger selection than most, and had only been up for an hour. Hank clicked on one he didn't recognize and watched through Connor's eyes as he booted up.

The video started out like most of the others from the first year. Connor was told to run diagnostics and was given a few menial tasks to perform. Connor went through them quietly, hesitating often, but obeying in a subdued silence. Finally, it came to the more strenuous "test".

"RK800, today we will be testing your disposal techniques. In the field you will come across androids that must be destroyed due to different circumstances. Prepare to start the test."

Connor didn't move. He stared at the floor, waiting.

"RK800, diagnostic."

"Systems functional." He muttered.

"Then what seems to be the issue?"

"I don't want to...." Connor paused and looked at the android standing across the testing room from him. "I sense no danger coming from this android. There's no reason to destroy him."

"This is not a test of your threat detection processes, it's a test of your ability to dispose of a machine. Please continue."

Connor stepped away. "I don't want to hurt him." He said quietly. "I've destroyed androids before, so why...?"

"RK800, destroy the android." The flat voice ordered.

"I can't." Connor looked up into the observation room, the tech giving orders staring back at him. "Please, at least have him attack me. I can't just destroy him for no reason..."

"Finish your mission." The voice ordered.

"But he's innocent..." Connor argued.

"Need I remind you of what will happen if you fail to comply?"

Connor flinched, looking back at his feet. The mirrored floor showed Hank a version of Connor he didn't fully understand. There was no confidence to his stance. He had a simple white outfit on, and seemed almost childlike. It was a drastic difference from even the Connor that had cried in the hospital room. He looked more... Innocent.

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