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Connor stood unexpectedly, making Hank jump. The fucking android had been sitting, staring at his computer for 5 fucking hours straight. Fucking hell.

"We need to go." He muttered.

Seconds later Chen poked her head out of the break room. "Hey, Anderson. Your androids are on the news."

Connor looked at him, then ran for the break room. Hank followed. The news was showing hundreds of androids walking down the street chanting 'We are alive' over and over. The news anchor was commenting on the leader, Markus.

"What are they doing?" Connor mumbled to himself.

"They're gonna get themselves killed. Fucking morons." Reed said from the table.

Connor glanced back at Reed and frowned. The group on the screen was at a major intersection now, but the military had cut them off.

"What the hell?" Reed stood up straighter. "How the fuck did they pull together a team that quickly?"

"Must've had them in reserve for this." Chen commented.

"Those are CyberLife guards." Connor followed up.

"What?" Hank looked closer.

"The ones behind the riot shields are CyberLife's men. They're specially trained to deal with androids. I don't understand why they're working under the guise of being government agents."

"Hold on." Reed interrupted. "Why the hell does CyberLife have soldiers specially trained to deal with androids if this whole deviancy thing is just a fucking fluke?"

"They're mainly used for training simulations for androids who have battle features."

"Like you?" Hank asked.


"You fought those guys?" Wilson asked from the doorway.

"Of course. It was a part of my testing."

Hank wondered exactly what kind of tests Connor had gone through. The android looked uncomfortable and focused back on the screen as the first set of bullets was fired into the crowd of androids. He was fixing his tie again.

"Hank, we need to go now." Connor faced him with urgency. "If they kill them all we'll get no information about where they're hiding."

"For fuck's sake, Connor! They just shot into an unarmed crowd of peaceful protesters!"

The things Connor focused on sometimes were so far from what Hank expected. It was all the damn mission this and CyberLife that. Innocent androids were being fucking killed!

"Either you come with me, or I go alone. I don't really have time to argue with you."

Hank shook his head. He knew he needed to go. If anything maybe he could stop Connor from fucking murdering someone else. Of fucking course today  had to be the day shit went down. He grabbed his coat and headed for the car. He wasn't drunk enough for this.


Connor found a number he could call. It was Agent Perkins's work number. He had had to bypass some security to get it, but it was simple enough to do in his head. He called as soon as they were in the car and on the road.

"Who the hell is this?" Perkins answered.

"Agent Perkins, this is Connor from the DPD. We are en route to the scene of the shooting, but I need you to order your men not to shoot to kill. The androids have information that will be useful to us."

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