💜Am I weird?💜

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In middle school timeline (so 10 or 11 years old)

Type: angst

Zander sat down on his bead, his mind spinning from the events at school. How Luke made him blush, everyone calling him names because he'd started to feel a certain way about the brunette. But what feeling?

Zander had never felt anything towards girls. He never had. He always found interest in boys for some reason, but he'd always brush it off, just thinking that he'll grow out if whatever phase he was stuck in at the moment.

Suddenly he heard a knock on the door, then a voice, "Zander?" It was his mom. "Can I come in?"

The grape sighed, he really wanted to be alone right now, but he also wanted someone to comfort him with his little dilemma. So he replied with a simple, "Yeah..."

The door creaked open, and behind stood the lady, her hair a stunning purple, just like her son's. "Why are you up here alone in the dark?" She asked, a little concerned as she approached the boy. "We're all watching a film downstairs together. You're missing out."

Zander sighed, looking down at the soft carpet that lingered below his feet. "I'm just not in the mood." He swallowed, looking up at his mom. "Mom?" He asked, embarrassed.

Shannon had a concerned look on her face, trying to figure out what all this was about, why her son was so sad, "Yes, Alex?" She replied, adjusting her position slightly.

Zander's cheeks turned a slight shade of red as he fiddled with the corner of the dark purple bedsheets he sat on, "Um, w-well, today at school, I-I, um, Luke m-made me blush...." He paused, trying to find the right words, "And... I think I like him..." His breathing quickened, "...a lot..."

Shannon looked down at her son, she put an arm around him and pulled him closer to her.

"Am I weird?" The younger asked, tears stung his lavender eyes.

His mom just smiled, "No." She tucked his hair out of his little face and kissed his forehead. "I think you're just trying to figure this out." She sighed, "Have you ever really liked a girl before?"

Zander sat up, adjusting his position before thinking, "N-no..." He fiddled with his hands. "I get it I-I'm weird." Tears started running down his already red cheeks as he sniffled.

"No, Alex, you're not weird." Shannon pulled Zander onto her lap, "I think you may be gay."

The grape looked her straight in the eyes, "What?"

"You're gay." She said again, rubbing her son's back comfortingly, "It's not weird, you're just, different."

"I don't wanna be different!" He snapped, more tears stung his eyes, "I'M ALREADY DIFFERENT ENOUGH!! I'LL GET EVEN MORE BULLIED NOW!!" He started sobbing.

Shannon sighed, holding her son close, "Honey, don't worry." She tried soothing him, "It'll all be ok. Y'know Luke? His parents think he's different too. Maybe not exactly the same as you, but still different."

Zander looked up again, tears stained his cheeks, "I doubt that..." He sniffed, "He's too cool for that, he's way cooler than I am..." He choked, "I-I don't wanna be gay!!"

The elder smiled lightly, looking down at her son as she tried comforting him, "You can't help it sweetheart. You like boys, so what? Big deal."

"BUT IT IS A BIG DEAL!!" Zander whined again, stuffing his head into his pillow, "I hate my life!" He muffled.

"No. Don't say that." Shannon said firmly, "I've always known you were different, ever since you were about three."

The grape looked at his mom with a confused look on his face, "What?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I wanted to let you figure it out yourself."

"How did you know?"

"Well," She started, "You weren't the most normal son, it was more like having a daughter actually."

"WHAT?!" Zander's face flushed red.

"But," she interrupted, "That was only for a few years, you eventually grew into yourself. But still, you're not the most boyish boy ever."

"Well it's not my fault I don't like sports or stupid stuff like that!" Zander spat.

"I know." Shannon smiled, "And I love you for whoever you are or want to be."

Zander sniffled, "Do you mind me being...g-gay..?" His face turned red again at the word.

"Of course not, Alex." She giggled, "I love you."

Zander sighed, "I love you too, mom."

Another oneshot before the one I'm planning! Idk if I'll ever get round to posting it lmao.... But anyway hope y'all enjoyed this oneshot which wasn't really lander, but Zander angst ig... Oh well.. peace!,✌️

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