Chapter 4: Gift Ceremony

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Everyone started to flood towards the Madrigal's house, and Luisa was out front carrying peoples donkeys over to a pen. Camilo was also out front greeting everyone, by shapeshifting into them.

Casita extends some tiles on the wall so that people could hang their hats, and she was also cooking on the grill for others.

Luisa walked by with some kids on her back, while Isabela flew flower petals everywhere as Mariano watched her.

Some kids tried to sneak up the stairs to Antonio's door, but Casita turned the stairs into a ramp and the kids slid down it.


Mateus and (Y/n) led Antonio to his family who were waiting behind a curtain for him.

"There you are!" Felix laughed.

"Look at you! All grown up." His mother cooed, and a rain cloud appeared above her.

"Pepi, amor, you're gonna get him all wet." Felix shooed the cloud away.

Camilo shifted into a mini Felix. "You are making your papa proud." He said.

"I don't sound like that." Felix said.

"I don't sound like that." Camilo mimicked.

"Abuela says it's time." Dolores informed.

"Well be waiting at your door." Pepa whispered.

"Okay, okay, vamo vamo vamo." Felix ushered to his family.

"Okay okay, vamo vamo vamo." Camilo imitated before his father picked him up by the shoulders and dragged him away. "Ok, I'm done!"

(Y/n) and Mateus chuckled.

"You should probably get out there." Mateus said.

"Aren't you coming?" (Y/n) asked.

"I'll be there in a bit." He reassured.

"Okay, well don't be too long." She kissed his cheek. "And save me a dance okay?"

"Uh...y-yeah...yeah! O-Of course...dancing...right..." He stuttered, his face a bright red.

(Y/n) giggled. "You're so cute." She ruffled his hair and walked towards the crowd.

Mateus felt like he was about to faint from how hot his face felt. He had a goofy love struck smile on his face as he watched her leave.


Abuela was standing on the stairs, holding the candle.

"Fifty years ago, in our darkest moment, this candle blessed us with a miracle. And the greatest honor of our family has been to use our blessings to serve this beloved community. Tonight, we come together once more as another steps into the light to make us proud."

The curtain opened and Antonio stood there as spotlights were placed on him, and Casita created a path to his door. Everyone burst out into applause and cheers which slowly died down as Antonio still hadn't moved.

He looked over to Mateus and held out his hand for him.

"I can't." Mateus whispered.

"I need you." Antonio whispered back.

Mateus stepped out and grabbed Antonio's hand. Everyone accept (Y/n) was shocked.

"Come on. Let's get you to your door." He said, and started walking down the aisle with Antonio.

As they were walking, Mateus started having flashbacks to his Gift ceremony.

He saw his little five year old self, walking up to his door and putting his hand on the doorknob, waiting anxiously for his Gift, but instead, his door faded away and disappeared. The candle in Abuela's hands began to flicker and she looked at Mateus with a scared expression.

"And will you use your Gift to honor our miracle? Will you serve this community and strengthen our home?" Abuela asked.

Antonio placed his hands on the candle and nodded.

Antonio walked up to the door and everyone waited with baited breath as he placed his hand on the doorknob.

As soon as he did, the door lit up and everyone watched in awe. Suddenly a toucan landed on Antonio's arm, and started chirping at him.

Antonio responded to the animal. "Uh-huh, uh-huh. I understand you." The bird squawked some more. "Of course they can come!"

Suddenly, the house was flooded with birds and other animals, as a picture of Antonio appeared on the door.

Abuela sighed in relief before announcing, "We have a new Gift!"

Everyone cheered in excitement.

Antonio opened the door to his new room which was jungle themed with a giant tree in the middle of the room.

"It's bigger on the inside?!" One kid exclaimed.

Antonio looked at his room in awe as a jaguar came up behind him  and threw him onto his back.

The jaguar jumped up the tree and and flung Antonio into a hammock that hen lived off of and landed on a slide which he slid down and flew into the air again, and landed back onto the jaguar's back which rode him back to his family who cheered for him.

Mateus smiled at his cousin and (Y/n) came up next to him and grabbed his hand with a smile. He smiled back and squeezed her hand as she leaned into his side.

Abuela came up to Antonio and grabbed his face. "I knew you could do it. A Gift just as special as you."

Mateus's smile faded.

"We need a picture!" Abuela announced. "Everyone! Come, come, come! It's a great night, it's a perfect night!"

Everyone walked off to take a picture, and     (Y/n) released Mateus's hand to nudge him to go. Mateus simply shook his head and she frowned.

"Everyone together."

"La Familia Madrigal!" They all said in unison.


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