Chapter 5: Waiting on a Miracle

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Time seemed to slow down as Mateus glanced sadly at his family.

Mateus: "Don't be upset or mad at all."

Mateus: "Don't feel regret or sad at all."

Mateus approached his family.

Mateus: "Hey, I'm still a part of the family Madrigal. And I'm fine, I am totally fine."

He sighed.

Mateus: "I will stand on the side as you shine."

Tears welled up in his eyes.

Mateus: "I'm not fine, I'm not fine!"

He walked over to Luisa.

Mateus: "I can't move the mountains."

Then Isabela.

Mateus: "I can't make the flowers bloom."

Mateus: "I can't take another night up in my room, waiting on a miracle."

He placed his hands on his mothers shoulders.

Mateus: "I can't heal what's broken."

He moved over to his Tía Pepa.

Mateus: "Can't control the morning rain, or a hurricane."

Mateus: "Can't keep down the unspoken invisible pain."

He walked over to (Y/n)'s form and placed a hand on her cheek.

Mateus: "Always waiting on a miracle, a miracle."

He made his way out of the room and down the stairs.

Mateus: "Always walking alone. Always wanting for more."

Mateus: "Like I'm still at that door, longing to shine, like all of you shine."

He turned and faces Abuela's door.

Mateus: "All I need is a change. All I need is a chance."

He walked up to it.

Mateus: "All I know is I can't stay on the side."

Mateus: "Open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes."

Mateus: "I would move the mountains, make new trees and flowers grow."

Mateus: "Someone please just let me know where do I go."

Mateus: "I am waiting on a miracle, a miracle!"

Mateus: "I would heal what's broken, show this family something new."

Mateus: "Who I am inside so what can I do?"

Mateus: "I'm sick of waiting on a miracle, so here I go."

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