Chapter 7: Bruno's Tower

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Mateus and (Y/n) stood in front of Bruno's door. They glanced at each other, and (Y/n) took Mateus's hand in hers.

They turned the doorknob and pushed it open. They were met with a doorway shaped like an hourglass and had a waterfall of sand coming down in front of it.

"Casita, can you turn off the sand?" Mateus asked.

Casita flapped the tiles outside the door.

"You can't help in here?" (Y/n) realized.

Casita flipped her tiles in response.

"We'll be fine. I need to do this. For you, for Abuela, maybe a little for me." He admitted.

Mateus, grabbed (Y/n)'s hand again.

"Find the vision. Save the..." Mateus took one step through the sand and fell, dragging (Y/n) with him.

The two fell a few feet and landed on a pile of sand, sliding down it. Mateus slid to a stop on his face, while (Y/n) slid down on her butt.

(Y/n) stood up, brushing the sand from her dress and hair before helping Mateus stand up. She snickered when she saw that his glasses were filled with sand, and removed them, wiping the sand from his eyes with her hands.

Mateus just stood there staring at her with wide eyes and red cheeks.

"There we go. All clean." She said, putting his glasses back on his face for him.

He was never gonna take those glasses off again.

"Whoa. This is amazing." The girl commented.

In front of the two, was a giant spiral staircase that seemed to lead up to Bruno's room.

"Wow." Mateus breathed.

Suddenly, a bird landed on a rock next to them.

"Awe, hey there little friend." (Y/n) cooed.

The toucan squawked in response.

"Lot of stairs." Mateus commented at the bird. "But, at least we'll have a friend." The bird flew off. "No. He flew away immediately."

(Y/n) chuckled. "Awe, too bad. Now you'll just have to make do with me." She sighed dramatically.

"Oh, how will I survive?" Mateus responded, equally dramatic.

The two laughed.

"Well, shall we Little Butterfly?" Mateus asked, holding out his arm like a gentlemen.

"Of course." She looped her arm with his and they started climbing the stairs.


"Welcome to the Family Madrigal." Mateus started to hum.


"There's so many stairs in the casa Madrigal." (Y/n) panted.


"You think there would be another way to get so high cause we're magic, but no." Mateus was practically crawling up the stairs now.


"Ugh! How many stairs could you possibly fit in one room?!" (Y/n) groaned.

"Tío Bruno, your room is the worst!" Mateus shouted.


They finally crawled their way up the stairs, and were met with a new problem. A huge chunk of the bridge that led inside Bruno's temple was broken.

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