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Staring at myself in the mirror I scrunch my nose up in distaste. I am wearing the same clothes from yesterday, the clothes I wore the day before, and the day before that. The shirt is hanging on by threads as little strings stick out of the bottom. The sleeves aren't long enough for my arms and they only reach my forearm. I live in a mansion with pieces of furniture that costs more than a house from where I used to live. I bet my brothers wear more expensive clothes than my teachers at school make a year.

Yet, I stand at the mirror in yesterdays outfit ashamed of my lack of selection. I never felt embarrassed before today. Well, I have, but I went to school with kids like me. We all weren't the richest people on earth so no one really judged what anyone wore. What if my brothers laugh at me for wearing the same clothes as yesterday?

A knock on my bedroom door breaks my gaze away from the body length mirror. Cautiously walking up to the door I bite my lip in hope that whoever is here won't hurt me. Turning the door knob and cracking the door open a sliver I peak to see who's here.

Oh, it's just Dominic. When I see its him I open the door fully and give him a good morning smile. Well I think it's a good morning smile. I don't think he will underst—

"Morning to you too Flo!" He walks into the room and goes over to my unmade bed. I stand still while I stare at him in awe. How he understood my smile I'll never know. Well I could, but that would require me to speak. Which I do not plan to do for a while.

He starts making my bed for me which makes me confused. I don't understand why he's doing it for me. I know how to make my own bed. Why can't I do it myself?

Once he's done placing the pillows and throw blankets on the now neat bed he turns around and smiles at me. He reminds me of a golden retriever. Always happy, loves people, and overall he just has a positive energy. It's nice. He leaves my room and motions for me to follow him as we go down the hall.

"You and Emi have a big day of shopping ahead of you! I really wanted to come so I can hang out with you and y'know catch up but I have hockey. After though I say we watch a movie. Your choice of course but absolutely no chic-flicks they're not my thing." He rambles a mile a minute as we walk side by side to the kitchen. I don't know what a chic-flick is but I can only guess it's a really bad movie.

Maybe it's about chickens?

I only ever watched movies in class. Like when class would do a Christmas party we would watch Home Alone or Polar Express. I've watched those before.

Polar Express is kind of creepy but I quite enjoyed Home Alone.

As we reach the kitchen all chatter between my three other brothers stops as they stare at us. Dominic rolls his eyes and reaches out to grab my hand.

Massimo looks away from me going back to his work. Lucien watches as Dominic leads me to the table. Emilio gives me a welcoming smile and wave. I wave back as I plop down next to Dom at the table. He pulls his phone out and my gaze drops to my hands.

Not even a minute later Emilio puts a plate of pancakes in front of me. "Eat up sweetheart we have a big day of shopping." Giving him a grateful nod I dig in. The last time I had pancakes was at school on Pancake Tuesday. It comes around once a year and once a year I went to bed full.

Finishing my plate up, I grab it and bring it over to the sink. Lucien looks up from his phone and his eyes land on me. I put the plate in the sink and start to wash it before his voice cuts through the air. "Don't clean the plate.  Emilio will do it." I glance over at Emilio who rolls his eyes.

"It's alright Flo. I'll do it." I want to protest but one look from him makes me stop.

Not knowing where to go next I awkwardly stand in the middle of the kitchen tugging my shirt sleeves down.

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