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March 7, 2012

My children,

If you're reading this letter, I am most likely dead. It means I missed Massimo's high school graduation, or Emilio's acceptance into some Ivy League school. I will have missed Dominic's middle school grade six graduation, and Lucien's junior league hockey season. I will have missed Florence's sixth birthday and every birthday after that, every milestone, every achievement.

I hope you understand why I did what I did. I'm sorry you will face the repercussions of my mistakes and actions. One day you will understand, and hopefully one day you will forgive me for all my mistakes.

Just keep reading.

~ Christian Young



"Florence." A familiar, yet unfamiliar voice calls my name. I whip my head around to put the voice to a face. The video game I am playing can wait.

"Hi Austin." I smile at him. He stands at the doorway to the game room. His hands tucked in to his pockets, leaning up against the frame as he radiantly smiles at me.

"What are you up too?" he asks, even though he can see what I am doing. Austin steps into the room coming to sit next to me on the floor.

"Video games," I answer, patting the spot next to me. "Dominic left for his hockey practice. I have an extra remote, would you like to play with me?"

He plops himself down next to me, leaving a comfortable space between us, and takes the extra remote out of my hand. "I'm not much of a video game player, but I'll try." He winks at me. I chuckle a little.

"I'm not that good either. Dominic always beats me."

"Yeah. Dom is good at everything except grammar," he sadly smiles, shaking his head as he selects his Mario Cart player. He chose Yoshi. I obviously picked Princess Peach.

"What do you mean?"

"Have you seen the way he texts?"

"No," I laugh, "if he needs me he usually barges into my room."

"I don't know what's worse then, his texting or him barging into your room."

"I would say his texting," I decide, because I don't exactly mind when he barges into my room. It makes me laugh and it always ends up with us hanging out. Which is my favourite times of the day.

"It's like trying to decode a message."

I smile, shaking my head with a scoff. I squint at the Tv as the countdown starts. It's silent for a while, if you don't count Austin's commentary as he laps every player. Insulting them as he passes. As we round the corner on our final lap, he manages to get ahead of me. Knowing exactly what to do, I select my booster and throw the shell at his player. He gasps as his character spins out of control.

"Sorry!" I sheepishly say, not sorry one bit.

"Don't be kiddo, you take the win," he says as I cross the finish line.

I do a silent, and a little bit of an awkward cheer as I won my first ever video game. "Dom will be proud." I say to myself.

He sighs as he finishes second to last. "Good game," he says as he reaches his hand out towards me.

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