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"What are you doing here?" Dominic asks me when I walk through the kitchen doors, still in my work suit.

"Emilio extended the invite for Florence's first day celebration movie night." I explain. I told him when he first asked me that I would be busy. But the more I thought about it and after what happened this morning, there was no harm in joining.

"And you actually came?" Dominic stands there with a confused look as if it is the most absurd thing for me to want to hang out with my younger sister. It's not, but I have made it appear that way.

She thought I was going to hit her over a small spill. I would never. The whole situation opened my eyes. I didn't realize how much she doesn't trust me up until that very moment. It was like something switched in me. Ever since she has returned it has been eating away at me. The way I have been treating her is unwelcoming. I knew that from the start.

I did not want to get too attached to her. If by any chance something happens to her like she gets kidnapped, I would not want to be overwhelmed with emotions and risk not having a clear mind in order to get her back safely.

But the way she flinched made me realize that I have been preparing for the worst when I am doing more damage than good.

But I couldn't explain that all to Dominic. I wouldn't know how to put it into words.

"Yes." I am a man of few words. I used to brag about it, but after my silence towards Florence I feel disappointed about it. I know I can do better.

"She doesn't trust you."

Dominic can appear to act like a puppy, but when someone threatens someone he loves he can be the meanest, most protective, and blunt person there is.

I deserve it. I know that she doesn't trust me. But the way it came out of his mouth only made it feel more real.

"I want to make things right."

"So what? Are you just going to show up? Say "Hey Flo! Sorry for being such a dickwad!" Because if that is your plan than you are in for a treat."


"She doesn't trust you."

"I know but I want to try."

"You and Lucien have made her cry far too many times. So help me god if you make her cry ever again I will take her from your custody." I chuckle. But when I see the dead serious look on his face I know that I need to fix my wrongs.

"I promise." As if the two words were a switch, his smile grows into an endearing grin.

"Perfect! They should be home any minute now."

As if on cue, the garage door opens and not a second later we hear Emilio calling for Florence. Dom and I both give eachother a look before we follow his voice.

Confused, it isn't until we reach the hall with our bedrooms in it do we see Emilio trying to talk to her through her closed door.

"Florence please!" He begs. I can hear quiet and muffled sobs through the walls. After no response Emilio sighs. "Okay sweetheart. I understand. It's been a long day and I understand if you need some alone time or need time to cool off. But whatever you do please don't make yourself more sick. In half an hour I will be back with some medicine and food okay?" After waiting a minute for any sort of reply his shoulders drop and he nods to himself.

He looks upset and stressed. He storms past us and down the stairs.

"What is wrong with her?" Dominic questions as soon as we are on the first floor in the foyer.

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