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"Why don't you just ask him out? I don't understand."

Lucien chuckles. "That's funny Dom. What should I do next? Stick my dick in some peanut butter?"

I scoff as I turn left onto our street. "Luci, you're allergic to peanuts. You'll die." He turns in his seat giving me the nastiest glare.

"That's the point genius," he says sarcastically. I smirk as I pull into the parking lot. Lucien has not been in the finest of moods since we left the ice rinks parking lot. The boy that he's been giving googly eyes to for the past few months was there today. He's always there and that's why Lucien likes to practice with me, he just wants to see Mr. Hottie again for the fourth time this week. But today this unnamed dude was chatting with another guy, and ever since Lucien's been in this terrible mood which unfortunately means I am the one who has to deal with it.

"That's really dramatic you know," I say as I turn into our driveway. Lucien rolls his eyes at me and turns away from me. As soon as I park the car he bolts. Grabbing my phone and keys I open the trunk so we can both grab our gear. Walking around to the trunk I can't help but laugh at him.

"Don't worry Lucien," I pat his back and grab my bag. He shrugs my hand off with a scoff. "You'll find your man one day, just like I'll find my lady."

"That's very confident of you to assume."

I smirk, he smirks back. "I'm gonna pretend that wasn't a dig at my love life."

He rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything as we enter the quiet house. Massimo officially kicked everyone out yesterday. He went on some yelling rampage I heard. I guess Florence pissed him off which I don't understand because how can that angel do anything to annoy anyone? But, it happened and he threatened everyone if they didn't leave the house.

After everything that's been going on I haven't been around much. It's not because I don't want to it's just that Massimo and Emilio are making me practice because when I start playing for team Canada in the upcoming months I better be prepared. It is hard though. My family is in danger and here I am at the hockey rink while my sister has a hypoglycaemic attack in our attic. But my brothers insist so I don't have a choice.

As we enter the kitchen and stop at the door because the tension in the room could cut glass. Florence is eating her waffle slowly with her head down. Her movements look tired and her hair is a crazy mess. Emilio sips his coffee in silence next to her as he scrolls on his phone. But Massimo? He is making his coffee, slamming every object he can reach: the milk, sugar, spoon, mug, coffee grind container, the fridge door. I raise my eyebrows at him and meet Emilio's eye to which he responds with a subtle shake of his head telling me not to ask.

Lucien doesn't get the memo though.

"Why the fuck are you acting like a goddamn madman?"

I cringe as Massimo slowly turns to face us. I punch Lucien in the side trying to tell him to shut the fuck up and not say anything else. Lucien coughs out a small apology and walks out of the kitchen presumably to take a shower. He is followed a moment later by Massimo.

"I'm going to work, the three of you need to behave," he muttered as he walked away pointing to me, Florence, and Lucien who is upstairs.

When we hear the front door shut I see Florence's shoulders relax. "Oh princess," I walk up to her and pat her back. "What on earth did you do to make him so pissed?"

She groans and drops her forehead onto the table right next to her plate that is drowning in maple syrup. "I made him angry," she states. I sit down beside her.

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