🌧️Fun in the Rain🌧️

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Type: fluff

Luke and Zander held hands, walking peacefully, just out in the fresh air. They were on a date; well, were on a date, now they were walking back home.

Suddenly Luke felt a splodge of rain patter against him, startling him slightly as he flinched.

"What's wrong?" Zander asked, confused at his boyfriend's actions.

The brunet looked up at the once sunny sky, which was now turning gloomy and dark with heavy rain clouds approaching, "Um, nothing, I just felt a raindrop splatter down on me..." And just like that it started pouring down with rain.

"Great! Just great!" Zander spat, covering his hair with his hands, to which Luke chuckled at; Zander always cared so much about his precious purple locks.

The drummer put an arm around his boyfriend and hurried them under some trees to shelter, but that didn't really work.

"Ugh! My hair!" The grape whined, trying to shelter under his boyfriend because the trees were no help whatsoever.

The rain came down harder, to Zander's disliking, drenching the couple completely.

"Well," Luke sighed looking at Zander whom was trying to use the bottom of his red jacket as a shelter, "Zan, that's not gonna work." He chuckled slightly at his boyfriend.

Zander scoffed, "Well it's the best I have! You know how I feel about my hair!" He groaned, adjusting his position under the brunet.

Luke sighed, "Well, the least we can do is have some fun." He smirked at the grape, an idea lingering in his mind. He suddenly tapped Zander's arm before saying, "Tag! You're it!"

The pianist furrowed his eyebrows before yelling, "Hey! Luke!" and watched his lover running out of view, "YOU KNOW I CANT KEEP UP WITH YOU!!" After no response he sighed, giving in. He giggled and started running after his boyfriend, through all the trees and bushes.

Suddenly Luke stopped and started running back in the opposite direction, skimming past his boyfriend, "Bet you can't catch me!" He yelled, calling out to him.

Zander ran after his boyfriend, whom was a lot faster, so he made it a little easier for the grape, occasionally slowing down to allow to him catch up.

Luke stopped after a while, as he watched his boyfriend running towards him, soaking wet from the heavy rain that poured down.

"Tag! You're... It..." Zander huffed, panting fast as he tiredly tapped Luke on the arm.

"Hehe, I think we'll stop chasing now..." The brunet chuckled, smiling at Zander. He held him by the waist and looked into his beautiful lavender eyes, before leaning in with the intention of kissing him, before getting stopped.

"I can't kiss you..." Zander looked up at Luke who was now confused at his words.

"Why not?" He asked, stroking Zander's soaking wet hair.

The grape huffed, "I'm too out of breath!" He explained, still puffing.

Luke giggled, smiling sweetly at him, smelling the faint scent of lavender that still lingered on the mauve haired boy, before being overpowered by the stench of the rain, "You're so cute." He smiled, still looking into his beautiful eyes.

Zander's face turned a light shade of red, before crossing his arms and averting Luke's golden gaze, "No I'm not..." He muttered under his breath.

The drummer laughed, stroking Zander's cheek lovingly with the back of his cold, wet hand, "I love you."

The grape looked up at the brunet before smiling, wrapping his arms around him, feeling his red jacket drenched with water, "I love you too."

Suddenly the rain started to fall faster, covering the two completely.

𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ♡ (complete//hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now