Chapter 7

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"This place spooky..." Petrie looked down at some bubbly mud as they all watched a creature swim through it.

"W-Where are we?" Ducky stuttered and hugged up to (Y/N).

"I-I think we're in the Mysterious Beyond." Little Foot told them all.

"The Mysterious Beyond?" Cera questioned. "Well, I'm not afraid of some Mysterious Beyond." Cera acted all brave now. Sone of the bubbling mud splashed onto her face and it turned out to be very dirty, bubbly water.

"We better look for the egg and go straight home to The Great Valley." (Y/N) pointed out. "Sakyo? Do you think you can smell the egg out?"

"I can't, sorry. I don't think the egg-nappers have the egg anymore and the egg's scent isn't strong enough for me to smell out." Sakyo explained as they all understood the problem.

Ducky started to sob when Little Foot explained how the egg probably got smashed during the rock slide.

"My baby sister..." She sniffed. "Or baby brother..."

"Don't cry, Ducky." The Long Neck softly spoke. "It's... It's all part of the Great Circle of Life."

"Besides, there's a whole nest full of eggs at home." Cera also tried to help.

"Yes, but this one was special. It was going to be my favourite favourite. All blue and orange and speckles. There wasn't another egg like it in the whole world. Except... This one." She pointed up at an egg that looked exactly as she described.

"Ducky! It's safe!"

"It's here!"

"The egg!" Ducky yelled happily. "It is not smooshed! Oh hello, baby brother or sister." Ducky hugged the egg happily as the egg was the same size as her. "Hey, you grown! This is gonna be a very big brother or sister." Ducky rolled in front of her friends with the egg as they all smiled happily.

"Come on, we better get it back to the nest." Little Foot spoke up.

"But how we do that? Egg is big!"

"We'll build a carrying nest out of leaves and stuff."

"Oh, yes! A carrying nest! Yes, yes, yes!"


Spike, Little Foot and Petrie were carrying the eggs with two sticks since there were no leaves in the Mysterious Beyond... Or at least in their location.

They all gazed down from the top of the large, rocky mountain.

"Home..." Petrie started.

"Sweet home." Ducky finished.

As the sun/bright circle was starting to rise, the kids made it back to Ducky parents' nest where the eggs are. They put the egg down and Ducky started to role the egg to the nest.

"I can't wait to tell everybody how we saved the egg." Cera whispered.

"They no treat us like babies anymore." Petrie smiled, crossing his arms, acting big.

However... Ducky gasped.

"Go on, Ducky. Put it back." Little Foot told the Swimmer.

"It is back. Look." Ducky pointed to the nest of eggs. It was the right amount of eggs. All their jaws dropped in shock.


About 20 minutes later, they put the egg in a small dip with dirt surrounding it and tall grass next to the river. They looked at the egg, confused.

"So, it Ducky's egg was there all the time, who's egg is this?" Little Foot asked the crew.

"Maybe those bad guys steal it from other nest." Petrie commented which could be true.

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