Chapter 9

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"Chomper! Sakyo!" Little Foot yelled as the others, besides (Y/N), were dragging behind, panting and wanted to stop walking. "Where are you guys!?"

"Chomper! Sakyo!" (Y/N) called out.

"Sakyo!" Petrie looked around, sitting on top of Spike as Ducky layed on the Spike Tail's tail.

"I am tired. I am. I am." Ducky panted.

"We can't stop, Ducky. Not until we find them both." Little Foot continued to walk.

"Maybe we stop, Sakyo and Chomper find us." Petrie had his tongue out in exhaustion.

"Well, I really don't care if we find Chomper or not." Cera huffed in her usual self as (Y/N) knocked her to the side.

"How dare you!?" (Y/N) growled. "That is an insult not only Sakyo, but to me to! Sakyo is my bestest friend, and I will not allow you to make fun of a baby Sharp Tooth for making a small mistake!" She then continued to walk.

"No one is asking you to come, Cera." Little Foot snarled and walked next to (Y/N). "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I promise we'll find them both."

"I hope so." Spike, Petrie, Ducky and Cera were all starving and started to complain about it.

"Let's go home." Cera sighed.

"Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike!" Little Foot and (Y/N) called out.

"Come quick!"

"It's Chomper and Sakyo! They're on the smokey mountain!"


Chomper was running around, trying to eat a bug as Sakyo continued to daze around the ground, eating a land crawler in the process. The baby was having fun at trying to catch his prey.


"Come back, guys! It's too dangerous!" Little Foot yelled, but none of them heard as they all started to quickly walk up it, attracting the attention of Ozzy and Strut who are somehow still alive from the fall off the cliff.


Chomper and Sakyo walked and ran around the mountain some more as Chomper finally caught it, and started to chew, but saw another one and went after that too.

"Chomper! Sakyo!"

Sakyo heard the faded voices as hs looked up to where the voices came from and sighed sadly, still following Chomper in the other direction.

"Sakyo! Chomper! Where are you!?"

The two Sharp Teeth continued to move away as Sakyo looked up to the smoke to see flying rocks explode out of it and fall onto the mountain.

"Chomper!" Sakyo ran to the baby Sharp Tooth and picked him up with his mouth. "Luckily, you're light." He mummbled and started to walked to the safest path off.


"I think we better look for Chomper and Sakyo someplace safter." (Y/N) mentioned as they all turned back to see Ozzy and Strut. They all gasped.

"Leaving so soon? But you haven't had your baths."

"Me no need bath. Me take one just yesterday." Petrie gulped in fear. Ozzy obviously meant the bubbly water behind them which could not just burn then but worse.

"You smelly old egg stealers better watch it!" Cera growled. "Because it just so happens we're friends with a very mean Sharp Tooth."

"You mean that red one. Pah, he's weak anyway." Ozzy chuckled.

"No! He is the strongest person I have ever met!" (Y/N) growled. "You will not talk so lowly of him!"

Sakyo heard this from the distance and realized what was happening. He looked up to see that lava was soon about to fall so he took Chomper a different way, knowing he'll meet us with their friends that way since they can get caught and hurt very easily by the egg stealers.

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