Chapter 22| Silence

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"Where is she now?"

This title has been floating around the internet for a while. Years actually.

She signed and laid on your bed. Switching off your phone, and that article.

Your eyes trace the words on your calendar. time has flown by. Your flight is in 2 hours. Emotions are indescribable... lost, sadness, excitement, curiosity. The whole lot.


Your phone pinged, you groaned and glanced. It's an email from your boss.

First day in the office!

Fun. Something to ponder on during a 16 hour flight.

You sighed and laid back in your seat. The air pressure blocking your ears, you yawned to unblocked them, but also the exhaustion you filled yourself with through overthinking.

"So that's it?" Chan looked deep into your eyes, almost touching your soul.

You bit your bottom lip, not daring to look into his eyes. You feel the silence of the room ring in your ears. It's suffocating. But you know deep down. This is sooner or later.

"I think, we've hit a dead end." You finally looked into his eyes, he was fighting so hard to not let his tears fall. Your heart stopped beating for a second. Like a drop of a rollercoaster, except, it left a pit in your stomach for the following years. You just didn't know it yet.

"PD-nim said I can have an exclusive contract, to keep me in the company while I sort myself out in England." You can remember that meeting, as nerve wracking as this current conversation.

"That's good..." he sniffled, trying to smile through the threatening tears.

"For now, we'll have to part ways... The contract is for four years. I will be back, you know this!" He looked at you again, tears started falling.

"It will fly by, yeah?" His emotions made you burst into tears. As mature as you were trying to be, he is your soft spot.

"I hope it does... for our sake." He embraced you like he did in the storage room. You nodded in his arms, tightly gripping the material of his hoodie.

"Take care of this for me please." Chan took a deep breathe, and slid his pinky ring onto your index finger. It was a perfect fit.

"But it's your favourite."

"You're my favourite." He chuckled at his own cheesiness, you cried harder at his gentleness. Oh, how much you'll miss him.

"We will meet again. You will be back here, in my arms."

Months went by and you tried to maintain the relationship long distance. The time difference didn't help at all as day was night; night was day. Yes, Chan doesn't sleep however work is a priority with the boys' growing popularity.

Video calls turned into phone calls, turned into texts, turned into a message from dominos with some rip off promo.

The last time you guys spoke was last year. SKZ 2020 was released. The re-recording of all their songs as 8.

It hit you hard just as much as the other members. Somi leaving JYP. Everything.

It left a hole in your heart, most of all, in Chan's.

The two of you didn't really address what was to happen to your relationship. Chan mentioned you should go out and see people. You realised neither of you wanted to say it. So it was beatings around bushes, sugar coating and all that. He wanted you to be happy, so did you. But you were stranded on an island without a boat.

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