Chapter 33 | Crossing Paths

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Social media was filled with so many comments, edits and fan art of the two of you. Stays have been beyond supportive as well as your own fans. You and Chan were both very grateful about how positive things turned out to be.

However the only thing is the media. So many reporters and a few saesangs are trying to get inappropriate photos of you two. There's always a few hanging around the building, recording studios for music shows and the cafe. JYPE has made a standard statement of taking legal action with any form of violation of privacy. Never in your wildest dreams would you think this would apply to yourself, but you were beyond grateful for the company's protection.

You were walking around Music Bank's corridor when you bumped into Minho. He gave you a wave as you smiled at his presence.

"Oppa." You smiled at the boy who gave your hair a ruffle.

"How have you been?" He led you to the boy's waiting room.

"Great, wrapping up comeback shows and interviews. You guys seem to be doing well too." He turned the doorknob, screaming and bickering filled the room.

"Yeah still at it..." he rolled his eyes at the sight of the younger members tackling the youngest. You notice Han was filming them while commentating. Probably an episode for their channel.

"Noona... help..." the maknae held out a hand to your direction, two members squishing him in a hug.

"Hello to you too." You laughed at the trio as you sat down on the sofa while you chewed on a sweet Felix offered you.

Chan then walked into the room, where his smile grew wider as he caught the sight of you.

"Hey kids I got snacks." He waved his hand full of snacks that were held by the packaging's corners, this set the maknae free.

Han placed the camera down in front of you, which you waved at. Chan joined you with a few packets of snacks.

"Mukbang with Y/N~" The leader told the camera as he opened a packet of sweets with a nod.

He opened up the wrapping for you so you can pop the sweet in. You didn't realise what it was until you bit into it. You tilted your hand back, cheeks unwillingly sucked in. It was one of those stupidly sour sweets. You gave your boyfriend a gentle slap on the shoulder as he laughed at your expression.

"Sour sweets are a hit or miss, this is a miss." You frowned at the packaging-'Extra Sour'.

"Ow..." you rubbed you cheeks as you just managed to swallow it. Chan left you to find his bag. You sat there and sulked to the camera, showing it what your sweat was.

He came back with another snack of it was individually packaged. This time you made sure to catch what it was before eating it. It's a packet of Timtams. Your eyes lit up at the snack. You remembered use to having them when you were younger and Chan always sharing these with you whenever he got a package from home.

"Nostalgia..." He handed you an opened packet which you gladly took this time.

"I've been saving it for you, the kids had the rest." He was you savour the bites of the chocolatey goodness as he opened one for himself.

"Whenever Channie gets a care package from Australia, he always shares it with everyone." You  explained to the camera while you resisted the urge to inhale the biscuit.

"My mum knows the kids like them." He beamed at you as he cracked open a bottle of water, just  before you finished your snack.

"Ah..." he rummaged through the bag and took a straw out, dunking it into the drink.

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