Chapter 27 | Clarity

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It's been a few weeks since your little incident. You tried meditation and doing yoga which helped you funny enough. Chan is getting ready for their comeback that is in a couple days time.

You sat at your desk staring into the screen. You caught sight of your reflection, you played with your new earrings.

"What's with that smile?" The familiar voice caught you off guard.

You turned to see the lanky boy with color tinted glasses on.

"Sup girly?" He shot you a cheeky grin

"Bamm" You stood up and gave him a suffocating hug.

"Look at you. Ditched the sweats aye?" He complimented your outfit which was a tank top paired with a cardigan and corduroy wide legged pants.

"Still kept the nikes." You winked at him. Flashing your dunks.

"Lunch break? Yeah? Cool." He draped an arm around your shoulders, a habit of his. You sighed as he dragged you out of your dead office.

It was a Saturday so it's just you and a few senior people today. Any time can be lunch time when it's like this. You waved at your supervisor who just gave you a thumbs up.

—- —
"So how's life?" The Thai sipped his coffee.

"I'm sure Chan filled you in, no?" You rest your cheek in your palm.

"Oh he did alright." Wiggling his eyebrows at you. You flicked him on the forehead in response.

"No jumping to conclusions now."

"Well, he said he got his girlfriend back so he's a happy bunny." You simply sipped your iced tea.

"Doesn't ring any bells? Hm okay." He took a bite of his croissant.

You just realised nothing was said again about your relationship. This seems to be a common pattern with you and the Aussie. Never seem to address relationships properly.

"Like last time. He didn't ask me out or anything like that. Just confessed then end of?"

"End of what?" You mentally slapped yourself, you really need to stop using British slang.

"Sorry, I meant 'that was it'." Your answer made the Thai chuckle.

"Ew you've been in England for too long." You nodded in agreement.

"Anyways, he's also told me about your options." You sighed heavily, a bad habit you've recently developed.

"I don't think the first two are doable. Solely because it seems to be for my interest rather than other people involved. I feel like that's selfish." You trialed

"Sounds like you've got an answer?" He questioned while he adjusted his glasses.

"With the third, I really don't know." You rubbed the bridge of your nose.

"What have you got to lose?" You blanked at his question.

"Um my literal job? The company's reputation? Also-"

"I think we both know that's not true. You know you'd still be able to keep your current job if you wanted to. I think you know our company's reputation helps build a profile within the industry, it's a one up to an extent, no? And lastly, shut up you know Chan will always be there for you." He proudly said.

"Look, I've been thinking of going solo. You know how I also feel about and I know it'll be fine." He unlocked his phone to search something up. He passed it to you after a few clicks.

"Who's that girl? jyp"

"Jyp Itzy line up"

"Stray kids survival show Y/N"

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