Chapter 13 | Crush

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You sat in front of the monitor, eyes not focused at anything in particular. Lately you've been quite out of it, your feelings getting the best of you at this moment.

Your mind keeps popping up this image of someone, you and him going out, doing little things like linking arms or leaning on each other's shoulder. You unconsciously smile at those sweet gestures, fantasising you and him, no worries at all, just the two of you in your own little world.

It's funny that how these little actions are enough to make your heart flutter, well more of getting you hooked up. You couldn't help but suddenly wanting this type of relationship with someone. Well every teenager goes through this stage right? More of moment where you just so badly want someone you could hug and cling to for a while. Someone to pat your head and tell you 'I'm here.'

But the trouble was that certain someone you've been fantasising about doesn't have a specific image. You don't see a specific face that you know. And that's bothering you... a lot.

You leaned back into the spin my chair and slid down. Your bum on the edge of the cushion.

It's just a's just a phase.

Damn hormones...Why do women bleed once every month, how's that fair.

And why do women go through the process of carrying a baby for 9 months...


Now you're just rambling.

Great, this is what you call efficiency, great job Y/N.

You rolled your eyes at yourself, wasting yet another day of trainee life.

You decided to go and walk around the company, that helps you with finding inspiration. You packed your laptop pouch with the notebook tucked inside as well.

It was the level where there were conference rooms. You recalled things that were related to this place. Usually idols would do Vlives there since it's quite. You noticed PD-nim come out of one of the rooms alone. Your first instinct was to do a polite bow and greet him.

"Hello PD-nim." You said with a smile

"Oh, Y/N-shii. Hello, what brings you here?" He smiled instantly recognising you as one of the more experienced trainees

"Looking for inspiration." You said with your laptop now in your arms

"That's good to now that your producing. Have you got some tracks or cover samples?" He asked you, curiosity lingered in his voice

"Yes, I do. But-" You were cut off by his sudden enthusiastic tone

"Great, could you copy some over to a USB and bring it to my office? Just tell the staff that I told you to come in." He passed you a slip of paper

"Sure, PD-nim. Thank you." You bowed

"Nono, thank you. I'll be waiting for the USB." He then walked off

You were confused. Why would PD-nim want your work? I mean you were fine with handing it over, it's just that if he wanted footage, the monthly evaluations are a better sample...

"Y/N?" You turned to see the owner of the voice, you almost though you saw wrong


"Minho oppa?" You scanned the older and he just gave you a gentle smile. Felix was next to him and he did a little wave

"I haven't seen you guys in a long time." You couldn't help but give both of them a hug. Left arm around Minho and right arm around Felix.

They formed a mini group hug around you too.

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