Chapter 3 | Preparation

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2017 - Start of June

You looked at the boy in front of you. He has been keeping the same straight face ever since he came in the practise room.

He would usually either join in with you or cheer you on, watching you practise. There would always be an extra voice in the room, like trying to fight against the song you were playing, seeing who can overlap the other.

At first you didn't notice him come in since you were focused on the dance moves, trying to get the sequence right. You even stopped for a moment to adjust the volume, then you felt a presence and a pair of eyes glued to your moving figure. That caught you by surprise.

"Where's that smile gone?" You tried breaking the awkward silence filling the room

"Huh?" He looked up at you with tired eyes, that usual sparkle was no where to be found

"Hyunjin...." you placed your hand on top of his which was on his lap

"I just... I don't know what to do." He lowered his head and stared at the wooden floor

"It's about your hyung again right?" You sighed, this has been going on for a while now

A week ago, Chan was called by a staff member, some sort of meeting. It turned out that jyp was in the progress of working with mnet on a survival show, something like 'Sixteen'. The debuting group will be decided by JYP PD-nim himself during the company's annual trainee showcase.

In other words, there is a chance Chan and his team are going to debut. But there's a catch. There will be a girls team prepared by jyp entertainment, Chan's team will go up against them and fight for the spot to debut.

Chan had created this boy group by gathering trainees that he thinks is suitable, he has been in the progress ever since 3RACHA but recently got the news that it may become reality.

After the company's meeting, Chan dashed to where the other members were. Telling us the great news, even our most recent member -Minho was thrilled and shocked at the same time. You were happy for him, finally a chance has come by.

That led Chan to locking himself in a studio producing non-stop. Trying his best to prepare tracks for future use and rearrange the song that his team are going to perform during the showcase. Until the song is rearranged, the dance line can come up with choreography.

"I'll try and see what's on his mind. But you know how he is..." you stood up while wiping sweat off your forehead and unplugging your phone from the speakers

"Y/N" Hyunjin grabbed your arm and turned you to face him


"Thank you, for always helping us out." He embraces you tightly, it was something you knew that was sincere from the way he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Your welcome Jinnie." You returned his hug but hands patting his back instead

"I'm sweaty, come on now." You looked into his eyes, that sparkle was there, something like hope?

Hyunjin smiled at your nickname for him and let you go. His smile grew just by looking at you. Walking away with a fast paced. You really did care about them and their leader hyung so much.

Hyunjin didn't quite buy it at first. Most trainees are friends with each other but mind their own business. It was rare to see someone to get involved when your own life was hung on the line, unlike them, you never knew when you were going to debut. You would always woke up and went to practise, work your butt off. Now you need to take care of 9 kids and sometimes provide some counselling service along with some free hugs. He really admired your attitude and passion for music. Sometimes he needs to remind himself that you're only a month younger than him.

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