Chapter 2 | Foreigner?

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Two years later - 2017 February

"Crap." You instantly popped up from you seat in the staff canteen area and dashed through the doors

"Damn it..." you fished around your backpack for the access key to the private practise room

You finally found the key card and tapped it against the lock beside the door. You pushed the door once you heard a beep and a green light flashed.

You let out a deep sigh when you saw Changbin and Jisung in the room. You glanced at the wall clock, 14:29

"I thought I was late..." you dropped your bag to where the other two left theirs.

"Nah, we just arrived anyway." Changbin said while passing you a bottle of water with the capped he opened for you

"Thanks." You downed a third of the bottle


He wasn't here yet... Late, especially risking a day like today where a new member is going to show up. Just great.

You heard a knock on the door while you were taking out some water bottles from the mini fridge in the room for the others.

You raised a brow since you thought someone who would come in should have a key card. Until you noticed who that person was, you frowned and walk over to the blurred glass door.

The guy on the other side of the door was on his tip toes, his face was squished against the blurred glass, giving you a slightly clearer image of the person, even though you were already quite sure who that dude was

"Come on...At least I'm on time." The guy squatted to around your height and looked through the small gap of the door and the glass wall

You held in your laughter seeing him trying his best to widen his eye. Just the thought of someone passing by seeing him in that weird position would be interesting. Meanwhile the other two each stood beside you

"Hi hyung. You're going to be late again?" Jisung tried to slide a finger through the gap, scaring the elder on the other side, nearly getting his eye poked

"Come on! I don't want to give a bad impression to the new guy." He said, this time only his lips can be seen through the gap

"Chicken afterwards?" a takeaway menu was slid under the door

Changbin kneeled down to pick it up and scanned through the menu, you looked as well, it was your all time favourite

The three of you exchanged glances and nodded in agreement

"On the condition of hyung paying." Changbin smirked

A sigh was heard on the other side, "Fine."

"Deal." You pressed the button next to the door that unlocked it

"I'm close to not needing a wallet at this rate." He squished your cheeks in his hands

"Well you offered a menu!" he kept chuckling, clearly amused with your face

"Seriously... what if you're really late. And by the way his name is Felix, Lee Felix." You squeezed a bit of his waist which made him

"Foreigner?" The tall guy slumped into a chair taking his backpack and cap off

"I can't believe you didn't even look up his profile. Felix is from Austra-" you scanned through the clip board with the new trainee's profile

"An Aussie!? Really? Yes!" He fist bumped the air

"Calm down Channie...Yes he's from Australia but he can't speak Korean. Also he's the same age as me." You smoothed down the male's curly but messy silver hair

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