Chapter 12 | Felix

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You were slouching in your apartment with a cup a instant ramen broth and a steaming hot pack of instant rice. You were pouring the rice into the broth and started eating with a spoon.

Your laptop playing the latest episode of Stray Kids. The episode when Minho was eliminated, you recalled all the sad events that day, seeing their performances took you away but Minho being said to not being able to make the team hurt you too.

You heard someone knock your door lightly, because the room was small and your laptop just died, there was a large echo of the knocking sound.

You slid over to the door, the cup of rice in your hand. You opened the door and saw a figure leaving, but you recognised that figure anywhere.

"Chan?" The boy in all black stopped in his tracks, head hung low.

"Channie?" You pushed a door stopped under the slight gap between the door and the cold hard floor, went over to the figure, you put a hand on his shoulder

"Y/N..." his cracked horse voice rang in the hallways, fear overwhelmed you, thoughts tracing back to that familiar incident not long ago

"Chann-" You were held tight in his embrace, his arms wrapped around you, making it hard to breath. He was afraid you would disappear if he let go, like his teammate.

"ie..." You finished saying his nickname, he buried his head in the crook of your neck, you felt the fabric of his mask against your skin

You put your free hand on his back and guided him by walking backwards into your apartment. You pulled the door stop out with your foot and shut the door, setting your pot of rice on the small coffee table in the centre of the room, then Aussie still tightly attached to you.

Once your other arm was wrapped around him and came in contact with his neck, he bursted into tears. His cries filled the silence in the room, your heart was shattering into a million pieces, the sight of your best friend slowly and painfully breaking down in your bear arms.

You've never seen someone cry so harshly and painfully. Someone as strong as Chan, someone who went through a lot of waiting and hopes getting up for years. You never thought you'll see him like this, to the stage where he can't take it anymore and looked for you for comfort .

If it was you a few years back, you would never thought he would the person to come looking for you. Now thinking about it, being a trainee shaped you so much as a person, for an 18 year old, you were way more mature than the other kids, mature enough that people older than you would come for you for advice.

You were shook that Chan came to you for comfort. Usually it would be done by text or phone calls, if it's in person it would either be you looking for advice or the other boys bring you to him.

It must be bad, very very bad if he came to you voluntarily. In the corner of your eye, you saw your phone going nuts. Notifications kept popping up, you squinted your eyes, trying to read the messages in the distance, damn you should have put contacts in. You cursed at yourself, also should've kept your glasses on when you answered the door. You saw the screen turned into an incoming call, the bear emoji stood out because if it's colour, you knew it was Woojin, this is absolute chaos...

The two of you sat on your bed, him still clinged tightly to you. You stroked his messy blonde curls. His tears soaking the collar of your sweat shirt. Just like the time you were in their dorm, sitting without needing to say anything, letting him release stress and frustration in the form of tears.

Your back was starting to ache, sitting in a crooked position and his weight on you. Chan slowly calmed down, he sat up a bit, one arm still around your waist, the other brought up to wipe his tears away. You managed to pinch a tissue with your fingers and passed it to him, not looking at him to avoid him feeling any more embarrassed.

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