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   just three hours after ariana and y/n won the award for off the table, they were both back at ariana's home along with over a hundred others.

   there were people in nearly every room of the downstairs area and outside in the backyard, dancing, sweaty, drinking, and smoking.

   y/n stood outside on the front lawn with her hands in her pockets, waiting for alexa to arrive. she had texted her only fifteen minutes ago, telling her that she was on her way and she'd be there soon.

   she looked behind her to glance back into the house, smiling as she saw ariana running all around and greeting others, congratulating other artists who had won awards that night like they had.

   ariana was giggling and smiling, a drink in her hand, and her outfit was changed. instead of the tight, long, black dress she wore to the show, she was now ready for the party with her bathing suit on and a white knit coverup that kept her covered until she was ready to swim.

   people were already in the pool, and y/n could hear them in the back all the way from the front.

   as ariana conversed with a model whose name y/n did not know, her eyes subconsciously dragged along the pop stars body, her tongue swiping over her lips as her gaze ran down her legs.

   her admiration was cut short as a voice filled her ears, calling out her name. as y/n turned around with wide eyes, she saw a very happy alexa making her way towards her. she smiled back at the girl, removing her hands from her pockets as she approached her, meeting her halfway. 

   alexa jumped on her once they were close enough, her legs wrapping around her waist. "i'm so proud of you!" alexa screeched. "i told you that you'd do it!"

   y/n giggled as she held her tightly, retracting her head just a little so that she could peck alexa's lips before she set her on her feet. alexa gently placed her hand on the side of y/n's neck as she pulled her back into her, placing a longer kiss to her soft lips.

   "hm, thank you," y/n whispered as she pulled away, the smile on her face not wavering as she wrapped an arm around alexa's shoulders, leading her into ariana's home.

   ariana was just finishing up her chat with the model, turning around just in time for her to notice y/n and her new lover. y/n smiled widely as she waved to the girl, slowly walking to her and avoiding others in her way.

   ariana watched with a sad smile as y/n leaned down, whispering in alexa's ear as they both giggled loudly. y/n kissed her temple as they were only a few strides from ariana, the girls face falling as she watched how happy y/n had looked with her.

she tried to recover her smile as y/n and alexa stopped in front of her, both of them offering large ones on their faces. y/n spoke up first, "i'm so excited for you guys to meet!" she sort of had to shout over the music so they could hear. "ariana, this is alexa. alexa, ariana." she gestured between the two women.

alexa was the first to step forward, embracing ariana in a light hug that took her by surprise. she quickly hugged her back though, the small smile on her face turning real as she appreciated how sweet alexa was.

"it's so amazing to meet you! y/n speaks so highly of you!" alexa cheered, pulling away from the hug and returning to her spot beside the taller woman. unbeknownst to the others, a deep blush spread on y/n's cheeks and a sheepish smile overcame her.

she quickly thanked ariana in her head for having the bright, white lights off and instead settling for more colorful ones that illuminated the otherwise dark home.

"oh, and congratulations for winning tonight! you really deserve it," alexa continued as she leaned into y/n's side, protectively placing her hand on y/n's chest.

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