twenty nine

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"baby, are you ready yet!" ariana shouted up the stairs, fixing her hair over her shoulders.

"sorry! i'm coming!" y/n yelled back, walking out of the bedroom with a nervous sigh. she skipped down the stairs and covered her nerves with a smile. "kay, i'm ready now."

ariana smiled, reaching for her hand. "good. i'm so excited!" y/n chuckled awkwardly, "yeah, me too."

ariana had decided that she wanted her family to finally meet y/n after a few months of them being together. so, the plan for tonight was to have dinner at ariana's mother's house. ariana was extremely excited to finally be able to introduce her girlfriend to her family, but y/n was pissing her pants nervous.

she worried that they wouldn't like her. or that she would say the wrong thing in front of them and fuck it all up.

ariana smiled as she pulled up to her mother's home, bouncing in the drivers seat. "baby, we're here!" she patted y/n's arm, getting her attention as she stared out the window.

y/n looked to her girlfriend with hot cheeks as she silently nodded. they both got out of the car, meeting each other halfway as they took each other's hand. y/n brought their hands to her lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of ariana's hand.

just before she opened the door, ariana looked back at y/n, frowning at the nervous look on her face. "hey," she called out softly. "i love you."

y/n smiled at this, dipping her head to press her lips to ariana's. "i know. i love you too."

ariana cheesed, kissing y/n's cheek before pushing the front door open. y/n glanced around the foyer in awe, her mouth slightly agape. "come on weirdo," ariana laughed, tugging y/n's arm.

y/n wiped her free hand on her jeans, wiping the nervous sweat from her palms as she held ariana's hand with her other. just as they reached the kitchen where they could hear loud voices and laughs, ariana turned to y/n with a wide smile. "by the way, my dad's here too."

y/n's eyes widened as ariana jogged away with a giggle. "what? ari!" she whined, slowly following behind her girlfriend that was ready in the kitchen.

as soon as she entered, all eyes were on her and she could feel her cheeks heat up. everyone was staring at her with wide smiles on their faces.

y/n raised her hand in a small, awkward wave. "h-hi."

ari's point of view

"h-hi," y/n stuttered as she waved to my family.

i couldn't help but giggle at how embarrassed she was. her eyes darted to me and she gave me a stern look, instantly shutting me up as i put my hand over my mouth.

my mom was the first one to approach her, a big smile playing on her lips. "hello! it's so nice to meet you, y/n. ari talks about you all the time." my mother threw me under the bus.


y/n seemed to relax slightly as she chuckled, gladly taking my mother's hug. "she's obsessed with me," she whispered in my mom's ear, even though all of us could hear her.

i narrowed my eyes at her, and she seemed to have suddenly gained her confidence because she managed to wink at me.

my mom pulled away from her arms, turning back to me with a smirk. she pretended to fan herself; her way of calling y/n attractive. i rolled my eyes as nonna approached y/n next.

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